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Jungwon had been puking out his guts since morning. Yesterday was his last day of fun. Now he had to return to school.

The thought made him puke even more. Jay bought him medicine but whenever he took them, his body rejected it. Eventually, he fell asleep due to fatigue.

Sleeping was just as painful, his dreams were no longer pleasant like it had been for the past week, rather it was horrific and traumatic.

He woke up suffocating in sweat and took out something from his bedside drawer. Without any hesitation, he raised the blade and dragged it across his arm. Blood oozed out dripping down onto his clothes. He bit into his pillow to stifle the screams. He repeated this on both his arms until he could no longer feel anything. This was his escape that relieved him.


Jungwon winced in pain as he awoke from the floor- no, he was in his bed now, weird. His arms were also bandaged and his blade, missing. He panicked for a moment. Did Jay by chance see him like this thus explaining the bandages? He didn't want him to see how much of a pathetic loser he was. Jay would never want to be with someone like that.

With great difficulty, the boy made his way to the shower where the pain was increased ten fold.

He managed to put it off for this long, but his phone was coming on today, one way or the other. There was no hiding now. He had to return to school and there wouldn't be any Jay to save him or keep him safe.


''Oh, morning Wonie.'' Jay greeted when Jungwon came downstairs into the kitchen. ''Are you feeling better already?''

''I'm not as strong as a wrestler but it's something.''

''You don't have to go to school today if you aren't feeling well though.''

''I'm fine.'' Jungwon lied.

''Alright if you say so. Yes,before I forget, guess what came in this morning?''

''I'm not gonna do that so just go ahead and tell me what it is.''

''Our wedding book!''

Jungwon wanted to be excited, he really did. But, nothing could make him happy right now- well maybe if a certain someone died. He however decided to give Jay 0.25% of his energy since the elder did look after him so tenderly yesterday.


''I knew you'd be happy- I know you're not but I am so go along with it.'' Jay told him opening the box decorated with floral patterns. He took out a book covered in white lace, it looked gorgeous.

Jungwon went to stand besides Jay so they could review the pictures together.

''Oh wow, I look like fine wine.'' Jay said upon seeing his picture. ''And you look squishable.''

''We looked so..'real' back then.''

''Let's not get into that, it's bad memories. Oh, there's something I wish to discuss with you.'' Jay pronounced suddenly closing the book.

Jungwon thought that this was the moment Jay would bring up his self-harm. Only, he didn't.

''Our marriage was a private one with only close family and stuff like that right, so I wanna know what you're gonna do about that. Like, I have no problem telling people I'm married- my friends even know-''

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now