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''Jay,'' the boy said desperately. ''Please, let me stay. I did a week in rehab and I've changed-''

Jay raised his head slowly. ''Sunoo, I want you gone out of this school by the end of today. You've already caused enough trauma to Jungwon.''

''B...but I've changed-''

''You can't fucking change in a week Kim Sunoo! You brought a man to rape your friend and you tell me you've changed? Get the fuck out of my face or I'll shed your blood.''


''Don't call me like we're friends Sunoo. I still remember how you so vividly used me, lied to me and manipulated me. Now, leave me alone.''

''I'm sorry-''


''I'll leave...but just know that-''

''YOU'RE WHAT.'' a voice demanded angrily. 

The moment Sunoo turned to face the person, he received a punch to the face. Only his rival would do this. Ni-ki.

''You have the guts to show up here after all that you did to Jungwon? You're a sick bastard Sunoo.''

''I...I'm sorry Ni-ki.''

''No! Sorry can't fix this, it never will! Do you know the pain Jungwon felt when he found out Sunoo?''

''W...wait, he knows?''

''Not even I hate you as much as he does. You better leave before he ever sees you again. I'm not sure he'll have the heart to face you.''

As he was leaving, Ni-ki called out to him.

''Sunoo, you lost us. You lost us all. And that's something you'll never get back.''

What was once his best friends, his ex-lover, his crush...everything, it was all gone.

He lost them. Lost them all.


(02:40 P.M.)

Chonghae pulled up to collect Jungwon for his doctor's appointment.

The boy had called him frantically, saying that he was on death's door and obviously Chonghae was...done with teenagers on a whole.

''Thanks for everything Chonghae, you've been the best ever.'' 

''Jungwon, I'm sure it's nothing. You're not dying.''

''I think it's cancer Chonghae, I'm not sure how I'll break the news to Jay with his birthday being tomorrow and all.''

''Teens and their drama...'' the man mumbled wearily.

''Even Mr.Trouble think the cancer's in my stomach.''

''What do you mean it's in your stomach?''

Jungwon explained to Chonghae everything. From his weird sleeping habits to the unknown causes for his constant puking. Not to mention the massive appetite he'd develop recently.

Chonghae was smiling like a child who received candy. ''I don't know Park Jungwon, seems like you're pregnant.''

The boy laughed excessively. ''Not you too. I'm not pregnant!''

''I don't even know the last time I've been this excited. Imagine a mini Jay running around the house.''

''Calm down there, I'm not pregnant!''

''We'll see.''

''Oh, we will.'' the boy stared out the window then caught sight of a pizza house.

thump, thump.

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now