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''Chonghae, what exactly are we going to do?'' Jungwon asked after school as he got into the car.

''Revenge is sweet Jungwon, very sweet. You said Kyungmi and her goons hurt you today so we're gonna do a do I say this...we're-in the most plain way-gonna fuck up their lives for a change.''

''Is it weird that I like the idea? Am I weird?''

''No, you're not. I hate when people say you shouldn't exact revenge and shit like that. I mean, so it's fair for them to hurt you and you can't do a little revenge in return? It's not adding up.''

Jungwon smiled brighty. ''I think we're gonna have a lot of fun Chonghae.''


''I told you that I'd see you again didn't I Nishimura Riki?'' Beomgyu asked walking into the Class 10's empty classroom. Ni-ki was looking out the window doing his usual rounds of spying.

''Ahh! You scared me Mr.Appear from the toilet and ask questions!''

''My name's Beomgyu!!'' the boy said stomping his feet.

''Whatever.'' Ni-ki continued his high-class stalking.

''Whatcha looking at there?''

''Uggh..what do you want now?'' Ni-ki asked turning to face the elder boy. He was standing right behind Ni-ki which made the younger flustered. This Beomgyu guy was breathtaking.

''I still want to know what happened to Jungwon yesterday Ni-ki.''

''If you're his 'friend', why don't you ask him huh?''

''We both know that he'd quicker tell you than tell me since you see each other all day and you've been friends longer than I have with him.''

Ni-ki rolled his eyes. ''And like I said, you're not gonna get an answer from me so...shoo!''

''I can help you if you help me.''

''Ooh, with what exactly?'' inquired Ni-ki looking intrigued.

''I was...passing by earlier TOTALLY not spying on you and I heard you need to bring a 'boyfriend' for some party. Now hear me out, even if we're not dating, I can still go with you.''

Ni-ki scoffed. ''YOU? Accompany me? Dream on Mr.Delusional.''

''Okay, you'll just be the rotten egg at the party.''

''I'm fine with that. Don't you have a class now?''

''Nope, I'm on lunch so I'm going to bug you until then.'' Beomgyu replied.

''Jeez, fine Mr.I Know You Even Though I Don't, how about you come with me tomorrow and then you can ask Jungwon yourself?'' 

''Sure, but you owe me one.''

''NO I DO NOT!!'' Ni-ki screamed as the boy left. And obviously, he had to throw a few pieces of chalk as well.


''Okay, first on our list is Kyungmi. When you went back to class, I did my own research and investigation, so according to that, I found out she goes for shopping most days.''

Jungwon nodded his head taking in the information. ''And what are we going to do?''

''A little public humiliation for her is what she'll get. Kyungmi is a rich snob who thinks it's okay to insult and bully people. She also likes to splurge on unnecessary items just to show off. So with that being said, I made a call and her cards are frozen temporarily which obviously she'll find out when she's at the cashier.''

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now