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After the wonderful wedding, Jungwon said his goodbyes to the guests and his in-laws as it was time for him to go home. Home with his husband.

There were  many gifts for the new couple, all of which Mr.Park had placed in the trunk of the limousine.

Jungwon had tried his best to keep away from his father for the night but it was all in vain. When his father confronted him before he left the venue, he knew what was coming.

''Don't think because you're married now, you can behave as you please. Your 'husband' doesn't and never will love you, so I suggest you keep that at the top of your head.''

''I know that...'' Jungwon mumbled sadly. ''You don't need to remind me.''

''Good. Also don't forget to do everything he says so we can finally live the life we deserve - your mother and I obviously.''

Jungwon twisted his face in disgust. ''Yeah, that's all you care about, money. If my so called 'husband' ever decides to end this relationship, I wonder how you'd even survive.''

Mr.Yang was about to slap Jungwon but that's when Jay came.

''I'm so sorry to interrupt but Jungwon and I should really get going. It's been a long night for us both, and I'm sure he'd like to rest.''

''Oh, yes sure.'' Mr.Yang plastered on the most fake smile possible as he let Jay take his son to their limo.

''Have you said all of your goodbyes?'' Jay asked with an annoyed tone.

''Yes.. I'm sorry I took so long.''

'''re so annoying already. Get in the car and stop looking at me.''

Jungwon did as he said to avoid further conflict. The chauffeur greeted them politely and congratulated them on their wedding.

''Chonghae, please don't pretend as though you're not aware this whole thing was an act of impiety. I'm disgusted I agreed to this at all.''

Jungwon's heart broke into a thousand pieces, despite being unable to break any more. He knew Jay married him only to convince his father that he was able to take over after his retirement, but the more he was reminded of it, the more it hurt. Hurt like hell.

The rest of the drive was painfully quiet except for Jungwon shifting slightly in between- and even then he could tell how much Jay hated it.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Jungwon was beyond shook. They had stopped at such a lavish house, it was impossible to believe that it was theirs.

''Is this...o...our house?'' Jungwon asked in disbelief.

''No.. it's a car wash.'' Jay replied.

Jungwon felt dumb for even asking. Of course it was their house. Jay could afford things like this.

''The gifts won't unpack themselves you know, some help would be lovely.''

''Oh, sorry,'' Jungwon apologised. ''I just can't believe we're going to live here now.''

''Well access to nice things was a part of the agreement wasn't it?''

Before he could answer. Jay walked away with most of the gift bags. Chonghae came to help Jungwon once Jay entered the house.

''Don't be too hard on Mr.Jay. He's the sweetest person to exist, I'm sure he just needs time.''

Jungwon was on the verge of crying. ''He HATES me, can't you see that? He doesn't know me but he hates me. He's just like everyone else.''

He didn't mean to get so upset but it happened and couldn't be undone.

''Took you long enough to come inside.'' Jay spoke as Jungwon entered the house. The boy was about to fall due to the amount of bags he was carrying, but Jay just just left him.

'', it's beautiful!'' the younger boy exclaimed. ''I haven't seen such a nice house before!''

Jay mocked him much to Jungwon's annoyance.

''That's not nice Jay!''

''That reminds me, since your mouth is so big and you have a lot to say, I should enforce some rules on you. They are to be followed because I hate the very sight of you, mentioning your name gives me a headache as well.''

Jungwon braced himself for the worst.

''When you're with me behind closed doors, there's two main rules which you must obey:              Rule 1 : Speak WHEN SPOKEN TO and Rule 2: You'll do as I say without questioning my authority. Is that clear? Should I repeat myself?''

'' sir.''

''Perfect. Now go along, I'd like to see less of you with every passing minute.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ------------------------------------

Jungwon didn't like the fact of living alone with a tyrant. Just him and Jay. Alone. In a massive house that cost more than his future.

He currently finished taking a shower in one of the guest bathrooms and was now dressing into his pyjamas. It was the favourite one of the few he had: the panda one.

He brushed his teeth, then combed his hair and went to the room, where he'd sleep with Jay.

When Jay saw him, he exploded.

''Didn't I tell you? You're not sleeping in the same bed as me. There's a room for you down the hall, go sleep there and stay away from me!''

''I...I'm sorry.''

''You always are, now go!''

Jungwon began to cry once he left from Jay's room. Why did Jay hate him so much? Why did he have to be so harsh?

Jungwon found the room. It was just as nice as Jay's room, but empty and screaming in sadness.


Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now