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The moment Jay entered the hideout classroom, his friends looked at him with eager expressions.

''What?'' he asked.

''We have stuff to tell you.'' Haruto replied. ''Hana is not over you. End of story.''

Jay rolled his eyes and went to sit on the ledge of the window. ''I don't have energy for this right now.''

''You better get some because she went around telling everyone y'all made back up last night.'' Heeseung told him.

''Why are we talking? Lemme just show him the article.'' Sunghoon quickly found the article on his phone and showed it to Jay.

The school's Royal Gossip page had two trending articles: one being the fight Jay had with Hana yesterday and the second being the false narration she was spreading around.

''So what do you wanna do?'' Jake asked him. ''It's been a while since we did character reformation around this school.''

''No wonder she thinks she can open her mouth and spread lies.'' Yoshi added just as exasperated as Jay.

''So, do we fuck up her life or not?''

Jay replied negatively to Wooyoung's question.'' No, not now. I'm busy with other things. If she pisses me off more though, Asahi do inform your sister to take action.''

Asahi smiled brightly. ''Yay! I get to witness another fight-''

''We won't be here to witness the fight if it happens today.'' Jay told him.

The boys looked at Jay confused at his statement.

''Where are we going?'' Haruto asked.

''We have business to do. Remember on Thursday one of you gave the suggestion that we should go wreck people's houses? Well today we're gonna do that.''


''Yes Yoshi, now as in now.''

Heeseung raised his hand silencing the boys. ''Before you go any further, I have a confession. I think I like boys.''

His friends all paused and stared at him unresponsively.

''WE KNOW?'' Jay said slowly. ''Does everyone know or is it just me?''

''Nope, we knew.''

''Yeah, it was obvious.''

''Clear as day if you ask me but okay...''

''Honestly, I thought he had a thing with you Jay but now you're married so..''

When Asahi said that, Jay and Heeseung quickly averted their gazes from one another.

''Can we go back to my thing?'' inquired Jay nervously. ''Thank you..''


''Wonie, are you ready for tonight?'' Boram asked excitedly shaking the boy vigorously.

''Tonight?? I thought it was at four, that's why I brought my clothes and stuff.''

''It's still at four but...who knows, we may go late.'' she replied cheerfully.

''Hey, hey, hey, Boram unhand Wonie, we have things to discuss.'' Ni-ki said pulling Jungwon in a corner to the back of the class.

''What's up?''

''I saw you get into Mr.Kim's car yesterday, wanna explain that babes?''

''Oh Chonghae? He's Jay's bodyguard or right-hand man or chauffeur or get the point.'' Jungwon replied casually.

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now