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The man looked sympathetic, and said that Sister Hong's head hurts. She interrupted her: "Our eldest lady is also working overtime. She is with us, and she also gives us a supper to eat well in the evening."

Sister Hong licked the corner of her mouth while talking about the dinner that Missy was in charge of.

People generally don't call Manager Chu Ningfu privately, but "Miss".

At first it was ridicule, and then shouting and yelling, and felt very imposing, so I called it down.

The person's eyes were more sympathetic, even a little despised: "Just a midnight snack, why do you..."

Sister Hong glanced at her indifferently, "Missy pays her own money, and doubles her overtime wages for overtime work. The bonus will be doubled at the end of the year. Times."

That person: "..."? ? ? ? ?

Sister Hong turned around, and wanted to go back to work soon after dinner, and she could be a little perfunctory during dinner, just wait for supper.

What's more, you can earn a few more minutes by working an extra minute when you work overtime!

She was in a hurry, but was held back by the man.

Sister Hong's voice was a little impatient: "Anything else to say? I'm busy."

The person: "...Is there a shortage of people? Can I apply for help?"

What is the work for?

To make money!

Double overtime pay and year-end bonus!

Add it to death, add it too!

Sister Hong: "..."

Following the title of "Miss Big" , Fu's employees also jokingly called Chu Ning "Miss Lavish" in private.

Other project teams were jealous and envious when they talked about it, but Chu Ning's own project team's employees and other departments that helped them were all with joy and admiration.

This eldest lady is full of courage, apart from anything else.

In the past, when Fu Baixuan was a manager, he was very stupid about overtime pay, and sometimes he didn't even pay overtime.

The employees complained.

Miss Fu paid her own money for this behavior, which immediately made all the employees happy and full of enthusiasm for working overtime!

Chu Ning is also very busy, this time the self-operated store is supported by her alone, so naturally she has been worrying about it all the time.

Recently, she was so busy until ten o'clock in the evening that she didn't even notice... Ji Yangling hadn't come to pick her up for several days.

"Manager Fu..." Rong Shiyu knocked at the door, her face nervous.

Chu Ning looked away from the documents on the desk, and looked up at the door: "What's wrong?"

Rong Shiyu walked in, with a somewhat unsure expression on her face, and hesitated when she spoke: "I went to see you last night. Fu Baixuan, he asked me to monitor you and let me report your news to him at any time..."

Chu Ning looked at her when she was talking, her eyes were serious, and she could see some emotions.

But when Chu Ning was not smiling, she was too elegant and spotless.

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