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The movement was a little abrupt, causing Ji Shanjiang to be taken aback for a moment, turned his head, and looked at her in surprise.

    "Be careful." Chu Ning's voice was very soft.

    She rarely took the initiative to pull him in this way, and then gently instructed him, more often she just spoke coldly to him, seldom was tender, let alone active intimacy.

    If Chu Ning didn't speak coldly to Ji Shanjiang, it was enough for him to be happy, let alone such a gentle exhortation.

    He froze in place, standing stupidly.

    Chu Ning was already a little uncomfortable and walked down with the little bell, while Ji Shanjiang still stood still on the spot.

    "Mountain Jiang, why are you so stupid? My sister is gone..." Fu Yuanjin sighed like an adult, and looked at the person carrying him disgustingly.

    "Ah--" Ji Shanjiang exclaimed, rushing towards Chu Ning.

    His movements were so sudden that Yuan Jin screamed and hugged him tightly.

    Ji Shanjiang couldn't manage the Yuan Jin on his back, as long as he didn't fall off, he would not care about it at all.

    After he caught up with Chu Ning, his voice was excited: "Ning Ning, what do you mean? Have you finally accepted my pursuit?!"

    Chu Ning heard the words, and became irritated: " What beautiful things are

    you thinking of!" Do you have a good impression of me? Am I hopeful?" His voice was still excited, his eyes gleaming, staring at her closely, and stepping to follow her.

    Chu Ning didn't speak.

    Ji Shanjiang is going crazy. If he only saw the dawn of hope before, then today, that seed has finally broken through the soil, and lush small buds have grown.

    It may be a long time to grow up, or it may take a lot of thought, but for Ji Shanjiang, it is a great thing.

    He has never been so happy.

    When you meet such a person in your life, one sentence can make him feel like he is in heaven, and one sentence can make him fall into hell. You can live for her, die for her, and taste the ups and downs for her...

    This is love.

    "Ning Ning, I'm so happy." He smiled like a child.

    Chu Ning couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, and sneered, "Fool." But

    this fool made people unable to look away.

    Then the road down the mountain suddenly became very quiet. Little Bell didn't talk much at first. Fu Yuanjin realized that he might be a light bulb, and suddenly quieted down.

    He lay on Shan Jiang's back, feeling that he was carrying his powerful body, and couldn't help but smile with small teeth.

    When Fu Yuanjin was a child, the family wanted him to inherit the Fu clan. It was always an elite education. His father, Fu Qixiu, was only strict with him. He had never carried him. He was really like a man with a father like a brother carrying him on his back, only Ji Shanjiang.

    If Ji Shanjiang could be his brother-in-law, he would still be very happy.

    Since learning astronomy as Fu Yuanjin, his grandfather and father have shown a lot of kindness towards him. Life is now very good. If there is another Ji Shanjiang who is like a brother and a friend in the family, wouldn’t life be more beautiful ?

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