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He didn't say that the others hadn't noticed yet. As soon as he said, everyone looked at the faces of the two of them.

Even Ji Shanjiang moved his gaze to Chu Ning's face for a while, and then to Xiao Lingding's face for a while.

"It's a bit like, especially the eyes..." Ji Haiyun's eyes widened, with a look of surprise on her face.

Chu Ning couldn't help laughing: "Then you see me and Yuan Jin more

alike ?" "Puff--" Ji Wenyu couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, although Fu Yuanjin did not look as good as Chu Ning, she did look a lot like Chu Ning, with the same Danfeng eyes and beautiful eyes.

Jihai Yun sigh: "small bells to grow up quickly, and you look like Ning Chu, growing up certainly is a big beauty!"

Bells and see Jihai Yun, looking at Ning Chu, suddenly he said: "! Grow up"

crowd For a moment, he smiled: "Hahaha, I finally heard words other than Chu Ning in Xiaoling's mouth!"

Chu Ning also smiled, wiped her hands, and touched Xiaoling's head.

Ji Yangling, Ji Wenyu, Ji Haiyun, as well as Ji Shanjiang, Chu Ning, Yuan Jin, and Xiao Ling Dang, a group of people gathered around the barbecue grill, talking and laughing in a rare harmony.

Until about twelve o'clock, the staff brought in countless fireworks.

"I want to point, I want to point!!" Ji Haiyun said excitedly.

Chu Ning held the fire and smiled and said, "You order, pay attention to safety."

Ji Yangling lighted two small fireworks sticks, held them in his hand, and handed them to Fu Yuanjin and the little bell: "Come on, take it, and be careful not to hurt it. Eyes."

"Okay." The two seldom played this, so they looked at it curiously when they got their hands.

"Bang, bang, bang-" The others have lit the fireworks.

Chu Ning was suddenly a little curious, and tentatively approached the fireworks with the fire, and stretched out her hand.

"Zizi--" The sound of the wire burning, with a dangerous aura.

Chu Ning lost his temper for the first time, exclaiming, and then suddenly backed up and bumped into someone.

The man took her back quickly, then let go of her hand before she recovered, and walked away.

Chu Ning turned his head, in the darkness of overlapping light and shadow, only his back was seen.

But she knew that it was Ji Shanjiang.

Faint tobacco smell, not unpleasant, strong arms, thin body with a thin layer of muscles, strong and strong.

Chu Ning always felt that Ji Shanjiang was ambiguous with her because of Ji Yangling.

But at this moment, she suddenly doubted this idea.

He seemed to be the first to come forward when she was in danger.

This time, he backed away when she didn't see clearly...

She stood there in a daze, holding the small flame in her hand.

"Sister Chu Ning!" Ji Haiyun ran over and dragged Chu Ning away, "Also! Let's go some more!"

"Bang bang bang-"

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