Chapter Ninety

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What a fun time.

Sophie opened up during her first session, but Nate, well, he was more reserved. But he still managed to open up somewhat, and truthfully, he felt better.

Sophie was starting to feel better with every session she attended. And she noticed a drastic change in Nate's demeanour, which she was surprised about, but nonetheless, she was happy.

And before they knew it, Mia was one month old.

One month old.

She had grown. Not too much, but enough that she looked way bigger to them.

And she smiled so often, but especially when they'd talk to her.

Nate thought it was the cutest thing in the world, it made him happy, but what made him even happier and full of joy was seeing Sophie smile and finally get past her days of darkness. And that's what mattered the most. She was getting better, he was getting better, and everything was smooth sailing.

Now, you're probably wondering about a few things. What happened with Elliot? What happened with Cassie? Well, let's backtrack, shall we?

We'll start off with Elliot. As you recall, Nate punched him, starting the fight due to inappropriate comments he made towards Sophie. So, naturally, a week after the incident, Sophie confronted him. She was sick of this back and forth, and honestly, Elliot was starting to piss her off.

"I need to talk to you." She said, as she walked up to him at lunch.

"Yeah, sure, uh, sit down."

She laughed slightly, "Uh, no, not here."

He gave her a confused look before he got up and followed her out of the cafeteria and into the hallway.

"What's up?"

"Nate told me what you said about me, you know, before he punched you."

"Yeah? What exactly did he say?"

"Were you saying those things to prove a point Elliot? And get him to punch you?"

"Is that what he said?"

"I mean-"

"Because it's true."

Oh shit. He admitted it. She honestly didn't see that one coming.

"Well, uh, thanks for admitting that."

"You didn't think I would?"

"No. I didn't. So everything you said was to just prove a point to Nate that he is incapable of change?"

He shrugged, "Meh, mainly."

"What does that mean, Elliot?"

"It doesn't matter, Sophie."

"Yes, it does, because it affects me."

"Then fine, everything was to prove a point."

"Did you mean any of it?"

"Which part? Me saying that he'd break your heart and I'd pick up the pieces, yeah, sure, I would if you'd let me."

"He said that you implied that we would, um, uh-"

"God, I only threw that in last minute to really get under his skin, and that right there was the kicker."

"No, I think you mentioning our daughter was likely the kicker, Elliot. Everything else you said after that just made it worse."

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