Chapter Thirty-Three

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Nate ended up telling the entire school that Fezco and Sophie slept together. Literally the second they got to school Monday, he began spreading it around like a wildfire. And people were whispering even more. Sophie hadn't talked to Nate since Saturday and she was honestly fucking upset that he told everyone. She thought that after their moment together that night, that he would try to forget about the whole thing and they could move passed it. But really, what did she expect? It was Nate.

"Hey." Rue said, sitting down beside Sophie in the cafeteria, making her look up, "Are the rumours true?"

Sophie ran a hand through her hair, "Why does it matter, Rue?"

She laughed slightly, "Um, cause Fez is my boy."

"Uh, yeah." Sophie looked back down at her food and Rue scoffed.

"Fezco never told me." Rue sighed, "What does Nate think of this?"

"Well, he's the one who told everyone. So, what do you think?"

"Figured. You know, he's always starting shit."

"What do you want, Rue? The last time we talked we didn't end on the best terms so you must want something."

"I'm just coming to let you know that, Nate should like, watch out."

"Cool, Fezco told me the exact same thing." Sophie said, annoyed as she spotted Maddy walking over.

"Do you not care about Nate anymore or-"

"Rue, shut up." Maddy said, sitting down beside Sophie.

"Don't talk to her that way, Maddy." Jules said, walking up behind Rue.

Maddy rolled her eyes, "You good?"

"I'm fine." Sophie said as Lexi, Cassie and Kat sat down at the table.

"You fucked Fez?" Lexi asked, making Sophie put her head in her hands.

"Ugh, I didn't want everyone to fucking find out."

"Well, that's your fault." Rue said, speaking up.

"Actually, Fez is the one that told Nate. So really, it's Fez's fault." Sophie spat, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, it's both of your faults since you two fucked. You really thought Nate wouldn't find out? That man is crazy." Rue asked.

"It doesn't matter. It's too late now."

"Yeah, no fucking shit, Sophie." Lexi said from the other side of the table.

"Lexi, shut up. I'm tired of you complaining every fucking day about Sophie." Cassie said, making everyone widen their eyes.

"Well, sorry, Cass. Sophie hasn't made the best fucking life choices lately."

"Lexi, I've really fucking needed you lately and you haven't been here for me at all. If you were in my shoes, I'd fucking be there for you." Sophie spat at her.

"It's not my fucking fault I don't want to be associated with someone who keeps going back to her fucking abusive and psychopathic baby daddy. You literally can't live without Nate at this point and it makes me fucking sick. You used to be fucking better than this. First, fucking Nate behind Maddy's back and then getting pregnant? Second, you literally hooked up with Fez, the town's fucking drug dealer. You don't even know what the fuck is actually going on in his life, he's fucked up Sophie and for some reason, you can't fucking see it. And that's why I don't want to be associated with you. Because you're too fucking in love with Nate to realize how fucking toxic he is for you and your baby." Lexi yelled at Sophie.

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