I Want You, I Need You, I Love You - Elvis

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A/N: based on the song, a chapter for each chunk. First part of 'I Want You, I Need You, I Love You' (this will be 3 chap)

I Want You

If you ever learned to properly shoot a gun, your first shot would be directed at the flaming ball of sun determined to ruin your day. You just wanted to take a stroll downtown, 'enjoy' the weather, and get ice cream. Now you were sweating through your cute linen dress, sure to have stains now, and you were waiting in a long line outside the ice cream store. Your cheeks were flushed and your hair was frizzy from the humidity. Every single part of this day seemed to be worse than the last.

Of course, once the thought crossed your mind the rest of the day decided to one up you. As you moved with the line, your hand grazed the metal stop sign at the corner.

"Holy hell!" You winced, pulling your hand back. The sun was bearing down so hard, the metal had been blazing hot. You looked down and sure enough, a pink welt was developing on your knuckle. The skin was peeling back and everything stung painfully. Even it the cool breath you tried to blow on it only hurt more.

"God damn it," you muttered to yourself, popping it into your mouth to relieve some of the pressure.

"You alright doll?" A deep voice said, peering down at you from the entrance to the store. A handsome man stood there with a chocolate ice cream melting on his hand. Despite the miserable heat, not a black hair was out of place and he even looked healthy in a little sweat. He had a familiar look to him. You were confident you looked most akin to a drowning rat.

"I burned my hand," you laughed, lifting your knuckle to show the burn. "It's too damn hot."

He smiled, "that it is. You need help lookin' at that?"

"Oh, no, no I'm fine." You said, wincing as you put your hand behind your back.

The man just laughed softly and gestured for you to follow him, "come with me."

"I," you looked back at the line you were in, and it didn't seem to get any shorter. And the stinging in your hand didn't stop, not when the heat seemed to try and worsen the burn. You sighed, "Okay."

The man waited for you to fall into step beside him, then he offered up the ice cream. You denied, not because you didn't want it but because he paid for it and it wasn't meant for you. He just smiled sweetly, "I think you need a treat after getting burned like that."

You rolled your eyes, "I'm not a child."

"Oh I know," he said. "But we gotta clean that and it can hurt."

You reluctantly accepted the ice cream, almost moaning at the coldness against your tongue. The man laughed, and stopped to hold open a door to a place called 'Club Handy.' You went in, appreciating the coolness of the air conditioner. Before you went deeper into the place, you seemed to remember that you've never met him before. Any comfort you felt wasn't guaranteed. You stopped, turning around.

"What's your name?"

"Elvis Presley."

"What do you do?"

"I'm a singer."

You narrowed your eyes, "why are you taking me here?"

Elvis rolled his blue eyes and had a soft smile on his face. The kind of smile that made you want to stare at it for hours. Something about him made you feel completely relaxed and safe. "I'm not going to hurt you, little mama. My buddy owns this club. They got a first aid kit, closest place I knew to take care of your cut."

"Oh," you said, grinning into the ice cream. You followed him inside and behind the bar into a small little storage room. It was cramped and the walls were covered with boxes of different types of drinks. Elvis was right, there was a little first aid kit on the wall and he took it off.

"Sit right on over there, I'll treat that burn."

"Thank you, Elvis."

"Course... felt bad leaving a doll like you all burned up." He said, flashing a straight white smile your way. "Say, you didn't tell me your name?"

"Y/N," you said, leaning forward. "Awful convenient you were there to save the day, Mr Presley."

"I've got a good sense for damsels in distress." He reached for your hand, revealing your burned knuckle. Elvis let out a low whistle, "ouchie Mama."

"No kidding." You said, wincing when his touch pulled on the skin just a little too much.

"I gotta put this jelly on, it's gonna sting a bit but we gotta wrap it." Elvis said, genuinely sorry that he had to hurt you. You took a deep breath while he applied to cold jelly, watching in silence. Elvis moved quickly, applying the jelly and then wrapping your knuckle to keep it on. Then he was done, and he lifted your hand to his lips to kiss you gently.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

"I was joking earlier, but really, thank you for seeing that I hurt myself. Staying in the sun with a burn probably wouldn't be smart."

Elvis looked down for a moment, then looked up shyly. "Tell ya the truth, I just wanted to talk to you."

"Me?" Your eyes widened.

"Yeah. I mean, course I didn't wanna see you get hurt but I came over so I could talk."

Your eyes flicked over his body. He seemed a little nervous, his fingers running over his palm, but he was looking at you genuinely. He seemed to be telling the truth and it made your heart flutter inside your chest.

"You want a secret?" Elvis looked at you, and you leaned in like you were going to whisper it. "You didn't need to wait to save me."

Elvis had such a power to be so present in a moment. All his attention seemed to be on you, and he was so genuinely fascinated and pleased by what you had to say. It was addicting. Seeing the light in his eyes flash with excitement was just as exciting for you as it was for him.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time."

"Next time? That's presumptuous of you." You teased, knowing that he was going to get exactly what he wanted.

"How about Friday at 7?"

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