You're A Heartbreaker - Elvis

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A/N : request by @itzzz_miag and a little quote from one of my favorite movies

You tried to ignore the day and all it's implications. You tried to ignore the way Elvis's words played over and over in your head, looping like a broken record. You shoved the books on the shelves angrily, swept the floor with contained tears, and spoke to each customer in a low voice to try and conceal your emotions. But each moment your job wasn't occupying you with something, your mind replayed each and every word.

Elvis and you had gotten into an argument. You'd been friends for a long time and arguments had to happen along the way. But this one was different. It had started over something stupid, you were going to go on a second date with a man you'd just met and he didn't like it. But when you asked why, he didn't give you a reason.

"He's just bad news," Elvis had said, looking anywhere but your face.


His face scrunched up in anger. Elvis had a whole storm of conflicting emotions in his chest that he couldn't quite decipher. So instead of communicating that he lashed out, "can't you just listen to me instead of bein' stupid? You always go on about makin these dumb decisions and crying to me but when I try and do something bout it, I'm the bad guy. Just get your head outta your ass and listen."

Your eyes widened and your lips parted in shock. Elvis never spoke that harshly to you, especially not in what seemed to be such an inconspicuous moment. After a breath you said, "it's my life, Elvis."

"You think I don't know that?"

"Well you can't yell at me for my decisions!" You said back, growing hot and defensive.

"Stop making them! I can't be friends with someone who can't make good decisions!"

Your heart just broke inside your chest, shards lancing your arteries and sending a rippling wave of heartache. "Maybe we shouldn't."

"What?" He asked, suddenly alarmed. He seemed unaware of what he'd actually said.

Your cheeks were red with anger and you said spitefully, "if it's so damn hard to be my friend, maybe we shouldn't be friends at all!"

Elvis stared at you one long moment, his plump lips open. Then he looked down at the floor, gave a curt nod, and left. You had a shift at the bookstore in an hour. You pulled yourself together and went in, despite the tears that threatened to roll down your cheeks at any given moment.

The rain started up outside, pattering against the windows of the shop. The moon's silver lighting peered through and made the bookcases all shades of lovely. It was homey and comforting. There was only ten minutes until close, and you started to count down the registers mindlessly.

The front door chimed and you tried to ignore your annoyance. Technically the store was open for another seven minutes. If someone desperately needed something, they could come grab it. You heard the squeaking of their wet shoes along the floor as they came up to the register.


You looked up to see Elvis. His black hair was dripping wet and curled against his forehead, his blue eyes wild with emotion and his cheeks pink from the cold. His clothes were wet from the rain.

"What're doing here?"

"I gotta apologize."

You swallowed, "Elvis..."

"Let me speak, please," he asked softly. "I know I said some mighty mean things. And I'm sorry for each and every one of them. But I realized something when you said that thing bout us not being friends. Y/N, i don't wanna be friends no more. I can't do it."


"Y/N, I'm in love with you. Completely. Ain't nothing gonna change it. That's why I was crazy defensive bout those dates, I love you so goddamn much it hurts my heart."

There was a pause. His breathing was rough in the calmness of the night and you tried to calm your heart from racing but you couldn't. He was expecting an answer. Despite yourself, you knew what it was. What it had always been. But the words clung to your throat, afraid to come out.

"I can't," you said.

His face fell but he quickly tried to mask it, "I understand."

"No, you don't," you said quickly. "Elvis, it's not that I don't feel the same way. God, I do. But you are either going to be my everything, my one, or you're going to break my heart. There is no middle ground with the way I feel for you."

"Y/N, I ain't got no intention of leaving."

You swiped at the tear as it fell, "I know that now. But Elvis, I can't lose you. You are a heartbreaker for me, it's all or nothing. How can I guarantee this?"

"Y/N," Elvis reached across the counter and held your hand. His fingers were cold from the rain. "I can't promise nothing bout the future. I don't know what it holds but I do know one thing. I love you, I've always loved you and I always will. You ain't perfect but neither am I. I want to spend my life with you."


"I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. I don't want to give you up for a second."

You were fully crying now, tears streaming down your face. You nodded, saying, "you make it impossible to hate you, Elvis."

He came around the counter, hands coming to cup your cheeks. You leaned into them, relishing the the slight cold because you knew how warm he was as a man.

"May I kiss you, Y/N?"

You nodded. He brought his lips down to yours and you threw your arms around his neck, holding him closely. He tasted of peanut butter sandwiches and his smile never faded while he kissed you. He was going to be your everything and you felt yourself ready to take the plunge.

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