A Little Less Conversation - Austin Butler

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A/N: not me writing this while having a YouTube video roasting Wattpad on in the back. Might do a NSFW or 2

"If you make me read a Sarah J Maas book, I will come for you," Austin said, laughing as you led him into the bookstore. He tried to pull back a little but he eventually relented, following you.

The two of you met on the set of Elvis. You were an extra for the '68 Comeback Special and Austin was, well Austin is Elvis Presley. You bonded over your love of books and a mini sort of book club seemed to arise from it. He would always ask what you're reading, you'd ask about him, then come back to talk about it. It evolved on its own.

And now it was regular. Every month, the person who chooses the book takes the other person to the bookstore to buy it so you can read it and discuss it.

It had been a fun system, albeit not flawless. Austin made one sly comment about YA Fantasy being weak compared to Adult Fantasy, and you'd been threatening him with a Court of Thorns and Roses for a week. At this point he seemed genuinely nervous you were going to make him read it. You wandered near that section, seeing Sarah J Maas's books looming on the shelves.

Tapping your chin you stood in front of the shelf, "what am I going to pick?"

"No, not Sarah."

"So many options."

"Oh, baby, not Sarah."

'Baby' had been a nickname he couldn't seem to drop after playing Elvis. Each time he said it, you had to internally remind yourself that you weren't a couple and Austin didn't think of you that way. You were friends, plain and simple.

"Oh Aus," you said, kneeling to be level with the books, "Look who they have."

"Y/N I will buy you all the Emily Henry books in the world if you promise I don't have to read Sarah J Maas." He begged, putting his hands in a prayer before him. Emily Henry was one author the both of you really enjoyed, and you knew he meant it.

"Finnnnneeee," you pouted. "I'll just have to find some other horny book for you."

You immediately regretted your words, blushing and looking away from Austin. His mouth fell open a little and he asked, "horny?"

"What?" You said quickly, trying to distract from it. You wandered away from the section but Austin followed close behind.

"Do you mean to tell me that A Court of Thorns and Roses is erotica?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No!" You rushed to defend, but knew you were kind of backed into a corner. "It's not, that's not, it... it's not erotica it just has those elements."

Austin pursed his lips and nodded, crossing his arms. "Right, right."

There was a pause in the conversation and for a moment, you thought you'd gotten away with this topic. You didn't need to reveal anything more about yourself or the type of books you've read. But, Austin was very astute.

"And what other type of books has those elements to them?"

"You really wanna know?"

He nodded with a smile.

"You really gonna make me do this?"

"Oh yeah, I think that it's a requirement for friends to force their friends to reveal what porn they like," Austin said with a smile, then it dropped for a second and he said, "I'm not actually forcing you though."

There he was. Of course the playful and often cheeky side of Austin was not one you didn't like, but you'd come to rely on the sweet and respectful Austin that he was right now. You couldn't say no that face. So you begrudgingly walked to the erotica section, praying that no one you knew was here. It took a second but you took a copy of one of your favorite books off the shelf.

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