Rubbernecking - Elvis (NSFW)

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a/n: yes I've used this song before, no I'm not sorry

You thumbed along the side of your book, looking at the letters but not processing any of the words. Footsteps came down the hallway and you looked up, grateful for a distraction.

"Hey baby," you said, setting your book to the side.

"Hey," Elvis said, toeing his shoes off before climbing onto the bed to sit next to you. His fingers ran along your forearm with a soft kindness. Those bright blue eyes just stared at you, as though he saw something new with each passing second.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Just looking at you."

"Why's that? I got something in my teeth?" You went to grab your mirror but he laughed and stopped you.

"I ain't ever met anyone like you, and I know I won't ever again." He gave you a long look for a moment, as though he was deep in though. But he didn't hesitate to reach for your face, and bring his lips to yours. Each touch sent your soul on fire, electricity rippling through you and sending goose flesh along your arms. You held his face as well, deepening the kiss and urging for more of him. You wanted to be selfish, you needed to be selfish. There was nothing standing in the way, no distance between the two of you. He was yours and yours alone.

Elvis's hands came to your waist, pulling your body against his. You furthered things by laying on the floor, allowing him to climb over you with that intense look in his eyes. Elvis's kisses didn't stop. Even if he had to pause to adjust or pause for air, he spent all his energy into showering you with kisses. They were sweet and lovely, making your heart actually constrict in your chest and little giggles bubble up when he kissed along your neck.

He paused, looking at your face with an excited expression, "do that again."


"That sound, I wanna hear it." He went down to kiss your neck again and you did giggle a little, he smiled against your skin, "Aw, I could listen to that all the damn time."

Elvis peppered those hot kisses along your neck, helping you take off your top so he could continue them down your body. When his nose brushed your collarbone, your breasts heaving just inches from his face, he paused. His blue eyes looked into yours and seemed to be asking a silent question.

You reached behind you and undid your bra, tossing it to the side as your breasts fell from it. Elvis licked his lips and allowed himself to look at you with lust clouding his eyes.

Now this was the image you wanted tattooed on your body. You wanted a million photographs of his eyes staring at you as though there was not a single more attractive thing on this planet. Any insecurity you had seemed to be wiped clean but the hungry look in his eyes.

"You're so perfect," he murmured before planting kisses down your skin again. One hand squeezed your breast experimentally as his mouth came to latch onto your other nipple. You jerked a little in surprise, not anticipating it. The warmth that had been building through you went to your core and you found yourself rubbing your thighs together in an effort to release some of the pressure.

His tongue was warm and wet, curling on your skin and marking you with small bites. It was making you crazy and your hips started to move on their own accord. When Elvis's hips leaned on yours, you decided to be bold and brought a hand down to cup his crotch. He gasped against your skin in surprise, suppressing the reaction he wanted.

"Y/N, I want you so bad..." he didn't say it to guilt you, he was just singing your praises in his own way.

A strange feeling went through you. One of confidence and arousal, so you pulled at Elvis's coat until your breasts were flush against his chest and your lips far from his.

"Then take me."

He pulled from you, propping himself up on the bed and looking around the room. He looked beautiful with his shirt open and cheeks flush from arousal. Then he pulled up, taking you to the end of the bed with him.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, your body between his knees as his fingers ran along your hips.

"Of course."

He smiled, and slowly removed the rest of your clothing. Then he turned you around and sat you on his lap. He'd taken his shirt off but his pants were still on, even as his cock sat out, pink and dripping with precum. Elvis gingerly propped either of your legs on the side of his, forcing you wide open as his cock rubbed against your lower back. You ground against him and felt his fingers tighten on your hips.

"Y/N.." he said in a deep, sultry voice. A lean finger was pointed forward and you looked to see your reflection. As you watched, he slid a hand down to your cunt and swirled around your clit. Then he found it and in small circles started to move until you gasped against his touch.

You lifted your body a little and helped Elvis guide himself into you, moaning at the feeling. His ministrations were lazy and addictive, and you closed your eyes to relish in it. Then you brought his hand up to hold your throat, letting yourself fall into the feeling of him.

Elvis's fingers flexed around your neck, the grip strong but not harsh. His thumb brushed along your jaw, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. The sight alone made you gasp in surprise and squirm on his cock.

You were never one to find yourself particularly attractive, but as your eyes watched your body flush from arousal and grinding on the partially clothed body of Elvis was too much. Your nipples pointed up to the sky as your back arched, breasts heaving from your pants. Your stomach, usually a point of worry, looked soft and sensual under Elvis's touch. And lord... the sight of his long fingers twirling at your clit, his cock buried inside of you and twitching. It was so much, too much.

Elvis saw all of this and didn't hesitate to carry you over the edge, "good girl, you see how beautiful you look baby? Ain't nobody compares to you, Y/N. Come on me baby, ride me like the good girl I know you are."

He let your head fall to his shoulder as you braced yourself. You met his rapid strides, slamming as far as you could. That spot inside you started to send goose flesh down your skin, making your toes curl and stars fill your vision. Then you came with a scream, letting Elvis take control until he was spent.

The two of you took deep breaths, eyes closed as you tried to come down from the high you'd just taken. Then Elvis pulled from you, setting you down on the bed before going to get a warm towel and gingerly cleaning your sex.

"I love you," you said in a dreamy voice as he tossed it to the side.

Elvis climbed above you, kissing your stomach, breasts, collarbone and your chin before saying, "I love you most."

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