Tomorrow is a Long Time Pt2 / For the Heart - Elvis

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A/N: I want to get these chapters out for you but they are a little short! Hope that's not bad! Part 3 on the way

Elvis had you wait outside for a few minutes so he could put his instruments away. He met you by the doors, hands tucked into his high waisted pants and a lazy smile on his lips. His black hair was pushed back and slick, tanned muscle flexed with slight movements of his body, and the smallest hint of chest hair on his lowly buttoned lace shirt. He seemed to suck the very oxygen from your lungs and you were left almost reeling from how stunning he was. Elvis started the conversation first with a smile and a soft, "hey there."


"Hot dog?" He asked, gesturing to the stand behind you. You'd almost forgotten your invitation to get a hot dog with him in the first place.

"Oh! Yes!" You said, walking with him and scrambling for your wallet that had fallen deep within your purse. But when you got it out, Elvis was already handing cash to the man. "Oh, I got it!"

He smiled, "my treat, doll."

"But I invited you, surely I should pay?"

Elvis's crooked grin widened, "can't you just take a nice gesture?"

You bit your lip then turned to the man at the stand and pulled some cash from your wallet. "Two Pepsi's please."

Elvis chuckled but accepted the cold drink, handing you your hotdog. As the two of you walked away he commented, "stubborn, aren't we?"

"I never want to be a burden."

"My offering is not a burden."

You shrugged, biting into the hot dog, "it might be out of politeness."

"Surely my offering without you realizing is different then forced politeness," Elvis countered.

"I s'pose."

"Tsk, tsk, stubborn girl." Your heart leapt in your chest from his words, so sweetly seductive without a trace of impropriety. You had to focus on walking otherwise you'd spend the night staring at him. He changed the subject after a few bites of his hot dog, "tell me, Y/N, what's it like having good ol' Hank Snow as your daddy?"

"He's a good father. In his own way," you say, not wanting to reveal too much.

Elvis chuckled and took a bite, letting you know he understood the little message behind your words. The two of you talked all night about everything. You learned about his twin, Jesse, who passed away. His mama Gladys who worked hard as all hell, and his papa Vernon who was sweet when he tried. Elvis asked all about you.

He wanted to know your favorite color, your favorite film. He said your hair was just about the prettiest shade he's ever seen, and you countered that his eyes had to be prettier. As you finished your hotdog and tossed the trash, Elvis paused.

"You have mustard, uh," he was gesturing around his mouth. You brought your tongue out to lick your lips but you couldn't catch the mustard. "Let me."

Elvis brought his hand to your face, cupping your jaw as his thumb swiped along the corner of your mouth. He was taking deep breaths and he said, "I got it." His hand was still holding your face gently, and despite yourself you leaned into his touch.

Then fireworks exploded in the distance and frightened the two of you. You looked up in shock to see the smorgasbord of color painted across the sky, red dazzles and blue speckles that came down like shooting stars before fizzling out. It was stunning and you found yourself laughing out loud at the sight. Elvis started to laugh happily next to you, and when you looked to him he wasn't looking at the fireworks at all. He was looking at you.

"It's been a pleasure!" You shouted over the noise.


"Sure hope you get on the tour!"

He smiled widely and nodded. Then he dipped down and kissed your cheek, before walking away in the night sky. Your heart melted inside your chest.

The next day, early in the morning, Jimmy came barreling into your room. His brown hair was slicked back on his forehead and he'd seemed to stuff his shoulders with extra padding, "whatcha thank?"

He gave a little spin and you laughed, "you look silly!"

"Silly!" Jimmy pouted and ran a hand down his hair. "EP looked all cool like, figured I gonna give it a try."

"You're copying Elvis?"

"Inspiration. I want all them ladies to throw themselves at me if I do a little wiggle," Jimmy, lifting his arms and doing a terrible impression of Elvis's wiggle. You giggled as he danced around the room, doing a horrible rendition of Blue Suede Shoes.

"He don't sound nothing like that!" You laugh as he jumps onto your desk chair, waving his hips violently. "Jimmy!"

Then your bedroom door slams open and your father stands in the doorway, robe hanging off his shoulders and a disgruntled look. When he noticed Jimmy on the chair his scowl deepened, "James Rodgers Snow you get down this instant!"

Jimmy jumped off sadly, looking to the floor to avoid your father's harsh stare. His face scrunched again, "you put some shit in your hair? Clean it up, you look gay."

You felt your jaw tighten at his words and the temptation to yell at him strong. But Jimmy and you just stayed there in silence, waiting for your father to get bored and leave. He finally did and closed the door behind him. Jimmy sat on the edge of your bed, dejected.

"I think it's cute," you said, trying to comfort him.

"You said it was silly!"

"It's cute! When Elvis does it, it's cute. I think it's sweet you wanna be like him," you offer with a smile. "I don't think Daddy likes Elvis all that much."

"He'll have to get used to it. Colonel brought him to the tour." You tried to act subtle but your brows went up and you couldn't feign them excitement in your expression. Jimmy rolled his eyes, "yeah, yeah. You liked his wiggle."


"All them ladies like the wiggle."

"That is not - you don't know what you're talking about!" Your cheeks heated and you pretended to straighten your clothing and ignore his words.

"Oh yeah?" Jimmy hopped from the bed, moving in jerky fashions as he sloppy sang the lyrics to 'Baby, Let's Play House.' He kept going around your room despite your giggling protests before falling onto your bed with you, exploding into laughter.

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