It's Now or Never - Elvis

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A/N: request by @kirstenunger, hope you like it!!

"Where is he?" The Colonel's sickly sweet voice carried through the hall as he hobbled his way towards the different exits. You guys couldn't find Elvis, and he needed to be on stage in 10 minutes to film the Christmas Special. Of course, you knew that wasn't he was planning. But there's no way in hell that you were ever going to clue the Colonel in on that.

"Check the recording room, I'll look for him," you said, watching as the old man walked as fast as he could toward the recording room. Once he turned the corner, you ran to Elvis's dressing room hoping you could find him.

The door was locked, so you knocked gently, announcing yourself.

"Baby?" He said, opening the door just a little so a sliver of his face showed through. Elvis's face was bright pink and shiny, and his fingers shook as he opened the door wider to let you in.

When you closed it behind you, Elvis practically fell into the couch on one end. His body shook violently and his chest was taking deep, uneven breaths every which way. You went to sit next to him, holding his hand and rubbing his back through the leather jumpsuit. His eyes were glossy and a constant stream of tears fell from them. You grabbed the tissues and offered it, but his fingers shook too much so he couldn't get a proper grip.

"Elvis, baby, what's goin on?"

"I-I- I'm a failure," his voice hiccuped, it was deep and had an almost frog like quality because of the overwhelming emotion. He was looking everywhere but you. You went to hold his face but he pushed away, pacing around the room. His hands went to his hair and he started to pull at it.

"I- I haven't sung in front of no crowd for years. Ain't nobody wanna hear what I gotta say. Ain't nobody gonna like it. Them critics right - I got nuthin. No acting no dancing I ain't even write my own music. I'm just some phony from Memphis who ain't got nuthin but some good fucking lips," he fell to his knees, a hand over his heart and the other digging deep into his hair. His cries turned into moans, sobbing moans that filled the whole room. You were suffocating in his cries. "I ain't gonna be nobody."

You went to your knees in front of him, not touching him because you knew he didn't need that.

"You aren't nobody, Elvis. You are one of the most talented people on Earth."

He looked up at you, his eyes bloodshot, "then why nobody wanna hear something real?"

"This is your real Elvis. You have something that nobody else has, you can write music, you can dance like hell, and the world loves you for more than your appearance. You are everything."

He shook his head, bringing his chin to rest on his chest. His hand still hadn't left his hair and you went to slowly unfurl his fingers, holding his hand in yours.

"It ain't just me, baby. The world loves you, and we love you for everything you are. This is your comeback, a chance to show them who the real Elvis is," you paused, kissing his palm. "There's been a lotta people saying a lotta things, and you got to listen to the people you love. But baby? In the end, you got to listen to yourself."

He nodded, sobbing silently. You brought him closer to you, and his head fell to rest on your shoulder. He didn't stop crying for a bit, but his breathing started to even out. You rubbed his back, murmuring praises the entire way.

Then Elvis looked up, his eyes still glossy, but he seemed more calm. You held his face in between your hands, "I love you more than you could possibly know. And this is going to make history."

"You thank?" He asked, his accent was always thicker with emotion.

"I know."

Elvis kissed your lips softly, his cheeks still damp with tears, and he started to get up. You helped him. You got some gel and slicked back his hair, you handed him tissues for his nose and eyes, and you gave him a big kiss on the lips for encouragement. If he needed to leave you would let him, but you never wanted to let him take the easy way out if pushing through was what he needed.

Elvis was better now. You made him lift a hand to show that the shakiness had gone away, and for the most part it had. He thanked you for your help, but you just told him that you'd help him through anything and everything.

And you were right. Elvis Presley's '68 Comeback Special was an international hit and a pivotal moment in his career, and music history. You loved him all the more.

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