The Wonder of You - Elvis

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A/N : my Elvis shirt came in!!!

You slammed the cheap romance book your friend had got you closed, sipping on the chocolate milkshake you were drinking. Elvis was supposed to meet you at three, but he was never very timely. So a quarter after, you were drinking your chocolate milkshake and trying to pass the time by reading some stupid romance your friend had got you. Sure you liked romance, you liked the idea of it. But these books never got anything right. You always felt like real relationships would never compare to the fantasy in your head.

"What's got you so sour, little mama?" Elvis said, sliding into the booth across from you. He had a smile on his face as he watched your disapproving expression. You turned the book face down but he saw it, and swiped it from you.

"'The Duchess,'" he read aloud. You watched his eyes scan the cover that had a shirtless man hugging an expensively dressed woman. Elvis let out a high whistle. "Well that looks like one hell of a novel."

You snatched it from him, shoving the book in your purse. "Believe me, it isn't."

His eyebrows shot up, "that's what's got you so upset?"

"Not exactly," you pursed your lips, not really wanting to go into detail.

Elvis grabbed a spoon off the table and took a bite of your chocolate milkshake. Normally you'd be upset he took your food, but you just pushed it between the two of you so he could access it better.

"What's going on?" He pressed.

You groaned, just wanting to get the words out there. "I just wish I could have experiences of being in a relationship without being in a relationship."

"You don't want a relationship?"

"Have you seen the boys out there? They're either very kind and ugly or beautiful and mean as hell. I don't have time for them."

Elvis nodded, eating more ice cream. He certainly didn't argue that most boys suck. "Well then don't date."

"It's not that simple!"

"How so?"

"Because! I want the experiences, I want to say that 'yes I've had my first kiss and it was great' or 'yes I've had that sparks fly moment' but I don't want to actually do it. There isn't a guy out there who is worth having these experiences with."

Elvis's brows furrowed, "wait, I thought you had your first kiss?"

"I have. But it sucked, it was a peck and his mouth smelled. It's not even about the first kiss of it all, I just want a good kiss. A kiss that makes all the romance books make sense. But in order to have a good kiss, you have to have a relationship and I don't want that. That's why I've been ridiculously reading them, trying to find something I can relate to. But I end up feeling more stupid."

"Why don't you just ask someone to kiss you?" Elvis swallowed, looking at you with bright blue eyes.

"You can't just ask someone to kiss you. Besides you're missing the point entirely, it's not about a kiss."

"But surely someone would be willing?"

You were so confused why Elvis seemed to care so much about this stupid kiss. It was not your point at all, surely he'd understand that? "Can you drop the kiss please?"

Elvis held in hands up in mock surrender. "Wasn't trying to cause a fight."

"Well then what were you trying to do? Huh?" You cocked an eyebrow. "You sure as hell didn't drop it."

"Well, I s'pose I was just thinkin'," Elvis said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I could help you."

"Help me?" You had to clarify because the first thing that came into your mind could not possible be what he intended. No, there's no way. Not Elvis Presley.

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