You'll Never Walk Alone - Elvis

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A/N: request by @Thundercub007 it's short, sweet, and sad. I hope you enjoy :)

Maybe it was because of how large the house was, maybe it was because of your own anxieties, maybe your heart was beating too fast. Whatever the case, you didn't hear the car come up the driveway until Elvis's voice rang out in the living room.

"What in the hell?"

You sprang up from your spot in the kitchen, not planning to do it like this. Yes, you were going to confront Elvis and leave him. But first you wanted to pack all your belongings first, you didn't want him to have be stuck with your face while you took your items. That would just be cruel. But now he's home, and it's fairly clear what's going on with the boxes stacked in the living room. It's now or never.

You walked into the living room. Elvis stood in a purple suit, buttoned in the front with no shirt underneath. He looked bewildered. When his eyes looked into yours, you could see him working out what was happening.

"Hi." You said, your voice already starting to break. This was going to kill you, it was going to completely wreck what was already broken.

"Baby, what's going on?" You didn't answer right away and his voice became more urgent, "what's going on?"

You swiped a tear away, "I'm leaving you."

He stood there for a moment, just staring at you. His mouth was open in shock before he shook his head like he just couldn't believe it, "no, no... no."

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm leaving you."

"I can't... Y/N," he started taking faster breaths, his chest rising and falling quickly as he looked around the room. Tears started to form in his eyes but he just looked too stunned to speak.

"I can't do it anymore, Elvis."

"Can't be with me?"

"You're cheating on me every week with any pretty girl that comes your way. You're killing yourself with those nasty pills. You're breaking everything in your life. You know whose going to have pick up the pieces? Me." You put your hand on your heart, "I can't keep living with a shell of a man who can't love me. Who can't value me."

Elvis's voice was thick and deep, he looked so purely astonished, "I do love you."

"Do you?" You cocked your head to the side, dropping your hands. "This isn't love, Elvis. This isn't how we treat those we love."

The tears had started to fall, streaming down his face. He brought his hands to his eyes to try and cover it, like you couldn't see the pain in them. He crumpled to the floor, crying loudly.

"I can't lose you..." he moaned, looking up at you with watery eyes. "I'm so sorry baby, you deserve so much more."

You came and knelt on the floor, pulling him into your arms. This was impossible. You loved him, and despite his issues you knew that he loved you and was going to do what he could to make you feel that way. This was different, it had to be.

"You don't deserve nun of this," he said, "you deserve a fucking King."

You smiled softly, kissing his forehead. "You are the king."

"No, no," he moaned, pushing away from you. "I'll do better baby. I ain't gonna take no more girls. I ain't gonna touch 'em. And...I'll go somewhere. Take care of me and the drugs."

"Promise?" Your voice croaked.

Elvis cried, nodding his head. You hugged him again, kissing his forehead as he cried some more. He made mistakes, mistakes some women may never be able to forget. But you knew that drugs were something that would completely consume a person, and you were willing to be flexible if he was willing to get the help he needed. You just needed to hold him, to kiss him, to know that he's yours and he's safe.

"You'll never walk alone, baby." You said, rubbing his back. "I'll be there every step of the way."

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