Spinout - Elvis

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A/N : Request by @BluPerri. I believe a more toned down version of this is rumored to have happened

You, Betty and Joan walked from the little theatre practically buzzing with energy. You'd been apart of the lucky few who got to see Elvis Presley perform in real life. It was an experience entirely unlike anything you'd ever seen, and you found yourself grabbing your friends hands to stop from jumping up and down like a dork.

The three of you went to get into line for a lemonade, raving about the performance and a certain feature that made a prevalent feature. Betty waved her face with her hands, cooing over how handsome he was. You didn't disagree.

With tanned skin and a slightly crooked smile, Elvis seemed to be the definition of handsome. His eyes were bright blue and alive with youth, which made just about everyone excited. He just elicited emotions of excitement and the belief you could do anything.

A girl that you were vaguely friends with named Roberta came up to you three, her face pink with excitement, "we found his dressing room!"

She squealed and ran presumably in that direction, where many young women followed. You looked in horror as Joan didn't hesitate to follow.

"Joan! No!"

Betty just smiled widely and shot you a wink, running off to chase Elvis. You went after them too. This felt like an awful invasion of privacy to go to Elvis's dressing room and you needed to pull Joan and Betty away. It was one thing to gawk and swoon, it was an entirely other thing to bust into his private place.

They flitted behind various tents before diving back into the theatre where he'd performed. You got a hold of Betty's arm and pulled her, trying to tell her how awful it was to invade his privacy like that. She weaseled from your grip and you heard ahead of you the sound of women screaming from excitement. Despite your better judgement, you went after it.

You almost ran into the nearest wall in shock when you came across the scene. It was a complete carnival. Elvis Presley was up again the door, a hand furiously holding onto his belt as his jacket was practically being ripped from his back. He tried to go into the dressing room and a woman took the opportunity to take one of his shoes, holding it up proudly. You gasped when you saw that it was Joan. It was a riot full of screeching and hollering, women clawing at him as though he was theirs for the taking. With that free space Elvis vacated, the women poured into the room and you watched in horror as they literally started to just grab at Elvis. They grabbed anything they could.

Hands dragging down his chest, in his hair, holding his face. Arms clinging to his legs and lips kissing his feet. It was animalistic and frightening.

You looked around frightfully, not knowing what to do. Then you saw a door that led to the back and an open window in the dressing room. You prayed your estimate was correct and ran out. You couldn't quite reach the window but you pushed a garbage can beneath it. The roar of the fans got louder and you hurried to get on top, shoving your torso through the window.

Elvis was now completely topless and shoeless, by the looks of it the women were going for his belt as well. He looked around with wild eyes, pressed against the way from the completely crazy fans.

"Elvis!" You said, offering your hand. He didn't know who you were and in all reality, it would be fair if he didn't trust you. But the women were literally on him, and he had no choice but to push them off and grab your hand.

You immediately fell from the window, trying to create an easy exit for Elvis. The women tried to follow, but you got him onto the steps of the back before they removed his pants. It wasn't over yet, you knew without a shadow of a doubt that someone would realize how you'd gotten there and the mob would follow with well intended pitchforks.

You took his hand and ran down the alley until you were in the carnival, and even then you didn't stop until Elvis pulled you towards the funhouse. The two of you ran in with panting breaths, now alone with the mirrors reflecting your sweaty images.

"Thank you," he said, his voice a little raspy from the running. You didn't realize you were still holding his hand until then and you dropped it. He smiled softly.

"Of course."

It was now very, very evident that Elvis was completely topless with the mirrors reflecting each muscle of his tanned abdomen. You tried to look away but there another reflection would go, taunting you with his perfect shoulders. He was even missing his shoes.

"That was insane."

He propped his hands on his hips, shaking his head as he let out a low breath, "you don't say."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't got nuthin to be sorry over. You saved me."

"But still, to have so many women try to strip you. It's scary."

He nodded, chewing his lip for a moment, "I think a lotta guys would be mighty jealous."

You pauses to look at him. Despite his charismatic behavior and casual stance, you could tell he was shaken. Who knows what those women would have done if they got him naked and vulnerable. "I'm not. I think it's scary."

You suddenly remembered you were wearing a coat and offered it to him. He accepted gratefully. It didn't fit him well, the sleeves stopping mid forearm and his chest still exposed. But he appreciated something that didn't leave him so bare.

"Elvis," he said, offering his hand to you.

"Y/N," you took it.

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