Mystery Train - Elvis

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A/N : Inspired by the 1930s romcom It Happened One Night. I'll try to get part 2 out soon!

Your leg kept tapping furiously on the floor, but you tried to stop it. It was early in the morning, the sun still barely creeping up over the mountains in the distance over the pale world. You sat on a train, tight with rows upon rows of people shuffling their way into any available seat. You'd been lucky to snag a corner spot that no one else seemed interested in, so you set your bag on the other seat. With every passenger that climbed onto the train, everything jolted just slightly and it did nothing to calm your nerves. You kept thinking you saw him and his beady eyes, waiting to claim you.

Your mother died when you were very young, and your father did his best to maintain his extensive job and be a father, but he didn't do well. And now, at the ripe age of 21, he'd tried to force you into a marriage with a friend from his work. Colonel Tom Parker was a good man, he said, wealthy and eager to care for you. But that wouldn't work. So you ran and tapped your leg on your getaway train.

A handsome man came over to your seat with a look of determination. He carried a guitar and a bag. His hair was black and slicked back on his head and he wore an oversized suit with a pink jacket. His whole attitude was one of agitation and exhaustion, as though his day had just been extensive. He took one look at you, then back at the conductor.

"Excuse me, doll, but that seat is mine," he said, annoyance in his tone but a smile on his lips.

"I beg your pardon?" Your jaw dropped a little and you felt fire in your chest.

He took a breath, "now listen. I'm in an awfully foul mood and all I really need is that seat. So if it don't make no difference to you, please let me have it."

You adjusted in your seat, craning to the man with the little conductors hat. "Driver! Are these seats reserved?"

"No ma'am, first come, first serve," he said with a toothy grin.

You looked up triumphantly at the annoying stranger, who clicked in tongue in disapproval. Then with a quick motion, he lifted his bags to the upper compartment and plopped your suitcase onto your lap. Then he settled into the seat with a smirk, closing his eyes.

You huffed to yourself and set your bag down on the floor. His scent came over to you, he smelled like pine and cinnamon, and it didn't help that his pink lips were curled up into an adorable, and obnoxious, smirk as he took in your expression. As you turned to look to away, not wanting to see his blue eyes as they smugly looked you up and down, you felt your bag hit your leg. With an annoyed expression you kicked it away and ignored the man's grumble. Then it came flying back and made you gasp. You begrudgingly stood to place your bag in the upper compartment.

As you closed the lid, the train jolted alive and you fell into the man's lap. Heat raced to your cheeks as you tried to move off, but only ended up landing further on him. He placed you in your seat with a huff, grumbling, "next you time you decide to drop in, why don't you bring the whole family."

Though he seemed annoyed, you saw the tinge of pink on his ears. Within two hours the conductor pulls in to a rest stop, and you collected your little bag with you to get some rest. You sat on the bench with your eyes closed and head resting on the back, as your bag lay beside you.

A subtle humming sound from the distance grew louder until you finally looked up and saw that same man from the train. He'd pulled out his guitar and started to pluck at the strings, all the while humming some song. You blew out an annoyed breath and closed your eyes once more.

Suddenly a breeze went by and when you opened your ears, the man from the train jumped from the bench and was chasing another man who was carrying your suitcase. You gasped and stood up to go after him, but the train man returned with a huff.

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