Summer Kisses, Winter Tears Pt 1 - Elvis

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A/N: i basically just hunt for song titles and try to make a story. It's a 2 parter

Summer Kisses

———June 1955

Up in sleepy old Memphis, your aunt and uncle ran a recording studio. They focused primarily on black artists, trying to spread culture and variety everywhere. Of course, it wasn't the most profitable in the world because it was the Deep South and racism was as strong as the iced tea the mamas make. You'd gotten a job there as just an assistant, something easy that helped raise money for the future. It mainly consisted of running out to get the lunches and coffees, sweeping floors, or holding the door open for the cellists to get in and out of the studio.

One tired day you went out to get coffees for what would be the four of you. Normally you just bought one for your aunt and uncle, occasionally yourself, but your aunt said that the client they had was special. Your uncle didn't agree, but consented to buy him a coffee to make him feel more welcome. It was a dark roast, with shots of chocolate. Easily the most expensive thing you bought, but your aunt insisted that there was just something about this kid.

You rushed back to the studio with the four steaming coffees, propping the tray on your hip to open the door. The studio was small, the door led right to the mirror where the performer would be. And there was someone there.

He was tall and lean, wearing a short sleeve blue shirt tucked into black pants. It was buttoned a little low and your eyes dipped down to see his tanned chest with just a hint of chest hair. His eyes were blue, a shocking blue, and they were behind a pair of black eyelashes that must have had mascara - nobody's lashes look that good. He was freckled, just slightly, along his neck and a few on his cheeks. The man had black hair slicked back, but strands kept falling onto his forehead and he kept trying to keep them back. He was handsome.

"Y/N!" Your aunt exclaimed upon seeing you, taking you away from staring at the man. You were sure you looked like a fish with your mouth gaping open.

"Oh," you said, bringing yourself back to reality. You pulled the drinks from the containers and handed them to your aunt and uncle, "This is for you, this is for you, that's mine, and that's for that guy -"


You jumped a little, looking up and surprised to see the man - Elvis - smiling at you. When did he leave the booth? He must have seen you and come to say hello or get his coffee. You just handed it to him, and he thanked you. His fingers brushed yours and you sucked in a breath.

"Y/N, I'd like you to meet our client for the day. A Mr Elvis Presley," you aunt said, gesturing to the handsome man in front of you.

Elvis offered his hand for a handshake, and you shook it tentatively. "Pleasure to meet ya, Y/N."

"Y/N is my niece. She's up here for the summer."

"Where you from?" He asked innocently, taking a drink from his coffee.

"Oh, California," you admitted. "My daddy's in the military and he's stationed there."

"She's just visiting," your uncle interrupted in his gruff voice, practically chugging his coffee with each sip then gurgling at the heat.

Elvis looked at you with what seemed genuine interest. Despite other people being the one to tell him these things, his eyes never strayed from yours as he listened and nodded. You seemed to be his total priority and nothing in that moment could tear that away. The intensity of it made your heart flutter.

"You're a singer?" You finally got out, not wanting to just stand there.

Elvis nodded, "yes ma'am. Just boutta record somethin."

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