A Big Hunk O Love - Austin Butler

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A/N : cute little fluffy thing

You felt the sun come in through the windows, warmth on the naked skin of your back. An arm came to lay your waist, fingers running up and down your side and sending goose flesh along your skin. You smiled against the pillow before turning your head to see him.

Austin's face was smashed against the pillow, barely half of him looking at you. But through sleep lidded eyes, Austin looked at you and smiled. His blonde hair was messed up and laying messily on the pillow. You looked at his naked and tanned abdomen, covered in freckles and moles. You let out a contented sigh.

"Hi," he said, his morning voice deep and raspy.

"Hi," you said back.

"Good mornin," he yawned, his eyes edging back into sleep. You turned over, prepared to fall back into a peaceful bliss.

The red lights of the alarm clock blared and showed the time - 7:49. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

You gasped, pushing off the sheets of the bed and racing towards the bathroom despite being completely naked. You had just gotten your absolute dream job and even though you had been working there for about a week, you couldn't risk being late. The last thing you needed was a bad impression. Even if it was the 5th impression.

"This is not happening," you said under your breath as you desperately started to apply mascara while cursing yourself.

"Baby?" Austin was still half asleep, and when you scrambled into the bedroom he was sitting up in the bed. He smiled at your naked body but now was not the time. "What's going on, baby?"

"I'm late! I'm late!" You screeched, going into the walk in closet. You started to shove on a skirt, underwear be damned at this point. Austin pulled on his sweatpants and walked towards you but you just completely ignored him as you ran back into the bathroom to fix your hair.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay," he said, following you.

"It is my second week! I'll be late and make everyone awkward and then I'll forever be known as the late girl. Doesn't matter how good a worker I am, they'll remember when I was late and therefore irresponsible and I'll never get any of the big projects and I'll be a total failure and I might as well just qu-"

"Y/N," Austin grabbed a hold of your shoulders gently, his thumbs running along your skin in a comforting way. "You are not going to be labeled the late girl. Why don't you call them and let them know? That way you aren't blindsiding them."

"God, of course..." you smacked the side of your head and clambered for your phone. As you called you buttoned up your shirt and Austin offered to help you. His fingers brushed against your skin softly as he helped, even tucking it into your skirt gently as you told your boss. She responded very casually, not seeming upset in the slightest despite your fervent apologies.

After you put the phone down, Austin sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you in between his legs.

"Aus, I have to go," you made to push but he kept you on his arms.

"Baby, your boss was just super casual. You can take a moment."


"Baby," he went and kissed the side of your neck that made you melt under his touch. As tantalizing as that was, you knew that your boss being chill was not an every day occurrence and certainly not something you wanted to take advantage of.

As you pulled from his gaze and went around the bed, Austin fell on the sheets and pouted.

"C'mon baby.. one kiss."

You rolled your eyes and pulled on your jacket, Austin reached for your hand. He brought it to his mouth, kissing your palm with an open mouth kiss.

"Just the one."


"I just want one, super tiny, small big hunk of love."

You went to the edge of the bed, staring at the flirty upside down version of Austin who was pulling you to him. "So demanding," you murmur, leaning closer. Your hands held the sides of his face.

You kissed his lips softly and he came to bring you closer but you pulled away quickly, going to leave out of the door.

"One more!" He rolled over and propped his head on his hands.

"You ask for so much!" You laugh, calling a goodbye over your shoulder before hustling for your job. The memory of Austin was still on your skin all day.

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