Little Mama - Elvis (NSFW)

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A/N: little smutty oneshot to get you through the week ;) listened to Trouble writing to get me hot and bothered

"Oh little mama, this things you do to me..." Elvis growled in your ear, making your heart jump inside your chest and heat pool between your legs.

You pulled his head to yours, relishing in the way his lips finally kissed you. His kisses were everything and you were just about ready to throw away this stupid event he'd planned for. His touch was hot and feverish as he pulled you against him.

Even when your entire fronts were pressed together it wasn't enough, it couldn't be enough. Elvis brought his hands down to your ass, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist as he lifted you. With a few steps, he threw you onto the bed.

You gasped and giggled when you got on, and Elvis laughed too as he started to undo his tie. His eyes were blue and intense. He looked hungry as he grabbed your hips and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Your dress went up and around your thighs with the sudden movement. He fell to his knees and spread your legs wide open.

"Baby girl, I tell ya.... This dress does things to a man's imagination," his blue eyes seemed to grow a shade darker and his tongue went out to lick along his lips when he pulled the dress up to reveal you weren't wearing underwear, "Oh baby."

"Sorry," you said in a gasp, already feeling alive under his touch though you didn't know why.

"Don't you ever apologize. If it were up to me I'd have my little mama's cunt always bare so I could take you anywhere. The things you make me wanna do..."

With a heady sigh you said, "what do you want to do?"

"I wanna eat you out like you are my last Goddamn meal. Make you cum so hard you don't see nothing for minutes. Hear my name on your lips like a Goddamn prayer, Y/N. You're my baby girl and I gotta treat you like one."

He was already on his way, hiking your dress up so it pooled around your waist. Elvis sat back on his heels for a second to admire you, and you bucked your hips to encourage some sort of action.

In a quick lick, Elvis went from your opening to your clit. He moaned at the taste of you and the sound sent shudders through your body. Elvis's hands eagerly gripped your thighs tightly, fingers surely tight enough to leave bruises. His plush lips felt like heaven against your sex and he left open mouth kisses before sliding gently into your vagina.

Then he brought his tongue up to circle around your clit, lazy circles that just barely touched all that you needed them to. You started to grind your hips against him, eager to feel everything. He met you at each movement, starting to kiss you harder.

Every time your body started to tense with the beginnings of an orgasm, Elvis would slow his pace. He'd start to pepper hot kisses along your inner thighs as you groaned for him to just touch you were you needed him most. And when he did it was heaven. You threw your head back as his mouth perfectly entrapped your clit. Then his teeth gently grazed it and you were over the edge.

"Elvis!" You screamed, arching your back as warmth spread through your whole body. Your toes started to wiggle, your legs shaking, and you almost wanted to cry by how good it was. After your legs felt like jello. Elvis had been guiding you through it the whole time, and he was gently kissing the skin of your thighs to calm you down from your high.

You looked to him with wide eyes. He smiled, the lower half of his face coated with your wetness.

You glanced to the clock and groaned, getting off the bed even though all of you wanted to stay and get fucked into the oblivion, "we should go."

Elvis let out a little whistle as he licked his lips. His eyes followed your every movement as your the dress fell off your leg because of the slit. He was insatiable. You giggled as he went to kiss you again, starting this whole thing over. He'd never let you leave on time.

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