Mystery Train Pt 2/Early Mornin Rain - Elvis (kind of NSFW)

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A/N: yes i know this differs from the movie but sexy. Part 3 soon

You stood dumbly under a railing of a small little cabin with a dozen little cabins next to it. A motel, Elvis had said. And he dipped inside to grab the two of you a room. The rain still came down, thick and heavy with a rough pattering flooding the streets. The air was thin and fresh, though the spray of the rain made your breaths just a little choked as it came out in thin tendrils.

Elvis exited with another man, helping you carry the bags as you did an awkward job to a nearby cabin, hoping to escape the rain. Elvis sets the bags on the front steps and is handed a key by the man.

"Checkout's tomorrow, hope you and your wife rest well." The man said before hustling back to the safety of his cabin. You gaped after him, mouth open and eyes lit with frustration.

"We're not-"

"He can't hear you, Darlin," Elvis said as he unlocked the cabin, leading you inside.

It was a quaint room, with two beds on either side of the small walls and a little kitchen on the other end. It smelled of wood and the rain, and you noticed the little throw blankets and pillows atop what looked to be uncomfortable beds. A clothes line hung in between like a trap wire. It wasn't perfect but beggars can't be choosers. Despite this mentality, the reality of the past 48 hours caught up to you. You had to stifle a giggle otherwise it'd turn into a sob of exhaustion and humiliation. Never would you imagine life like this.

"Come on in, little mama. You can't stand there all night," Elvis called, noticing you loitering around the entrance. He'd already propped his suitcase open on one of the beds, his guitar resting on the pillow. He started to hum a soft melody, one you were certain you'd heard before. It was beautiful, but you were tired and angry.

"I seem to have the distinct sensation that I was just referred to as your wife," you said sharply.

Elvis's laugh was a little breathless, "oh, I musta forgotten to tell ya, I registered us as man and wife."

A pause. "What am I supposed to do? Leap for joy?"

"I kinda expected ya to thank me, to be honest." He ran a hand through his gelled hair, though the pieces fell on his face regardless. He stepped closed, now facing you with his hands in his pockets.

You laughed bitterly, "your ego is colossal."

"Your's ain't better, babygirl."

"You're positively the most conceited-"

Elvis threw his hands up defensively, staring at you as though you'd grown a second head, "hey now, if you's think I'm doing all this just to get in your pants-"

"And what else would be the point, Mr Presley? You could turn me into that odious man any second now, and yet you're willing to take me to Memphis for nothing. Why? I'm such a fool! I should have seen your motives." You propped your hands on your hips and finally let out the bitter, choked laugh you'd been holding in. "I should have seen it. You've got some sort of brain behind that pretty face and I hate to be on the punishing end of it."

You'd just ranted about his misdeeds, yet Elvis's crooked, lazy grin came on his face. He leaned in so his cinnamon scent wafted around you, "you thank I got a pretty face?"

"You're just using me!"

He laughed again, "I hate to break it to you, wife, but they sure as hell wouldn't have let us stay together if we ain't married. And no other room was open."

Your face grew hot from humiliation and you stormed to the door, wrenching it open, "well then, thank you. Thank you very much. You've been too kind."

"You's planning on leavin?"

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