Slicin Sand - Elvis

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A/N: I just saw Blue Hawaii for the first time and beach dates are planted in my mind. Also can you tell I like the idea of dancing with him?

The sun was slowly setting in the distance, cascading the sand in beautiful shades of orange and purple. You laid on your towel watching as it went under. The night sky was a deep blue and the stars twinkled above you. You loved the stars.

Elvis had gotten a call an hour or two ago from one of his friends, asking for some help with something or other. The sweet romantic date that he had planned was shot to pieces. You sat in your swimsuit on the towel with a basket full of bread and cheese and wine, waiting for him. You weren't angry, you didn't have it in your heart to be angry at him. His friends always needed something it seems and he had too big of a heart to reject them, even if it meant disappointing you. You dipped your feet into the sand that was starting to cool from the lack of sun. It crept in between your toes.

A car approached the beach but you didn't look up. It turned off and the sound of feet hitting the sand came to you. Elvis must be back. You still didn't look up, just dug your toes deeper into the sand.

"Baby I am so sorry," Elvis said when he got close to you.

"It's okay," you replied, collecting sand in your fingers to run over your feet.

Elvis got in front of you and kneeled. He was breathtaking under the moon. His tanned skin was outlined by the cool light of the night sky, his lips parted and full, and his hair falling over his forehead in that special way it does. You loved it, God you loved it. Elvis kneeled on the sand despite wearing white trousers, and ran his hands up your calves. Not in a sexual way, he just wanted to touch you while he apologized.

"No, baby, it's not. This was s'posed to be a real nice night for you and I done gone and wrecked it," he pulled his lip in between his teeth and you wanted to pull it out.

"I understand, Elvis."

"Oh I know, but that's what makes you so special." He grumbled, opening up the basket and getting out the food despite it being a little cold. "I wanna treat my best girl."

You smiled, accepting the wine glass he gave you. His blue eyes seemed to glow under the night sky. How could you ever be mad at a face like that?

"Jerry alright?" You asked while popping a piece of cheese into your mouth.

Elvis rolled his eyes, "that dramatic sissy. Yes he's alright, makin me come down there for nuthin."

Your eyebrows shot up in amusement at his tone and Elvis explained that Jerry called about severe wedding issues (Jerry was getting married in a month) and the only real problem was that he walked in on his bride trying on her dress. Jerry was extremely superstitious and told Elvis that must mean their marriage is bound for bad luck. Which then prompted Elvis to walk out of the house and drive back home as fast as he could. He said he couldn't believe he wasted time for that when he could have been spending time with you. You chuckled to the story, loving Jerry despite what some might consider flaws.

"Well we should be glad it's only superstition that cut the evening short and not a tragedy," you smiled as you drank more wine.

Elvis looked at you wide eyed and his lips parted a bit, "I dunno how you do it."

"Do what?"

"Be all positive like."


"Well, think about it, Jerry's gone and ruined your evening with your man you don't see all that often. And instead of being mad at him for callin me over a stupid reason, you say you're mighty glad ain't nothing wrong with him. It's so positive." He took a bite of some bread, mulling over what seemed impossible.

You smiled at this, "Elvis, I view it like that because I know that even if you die tomorrow, you were doing what's right. You value your friends, and I knew that going into this. It'd be awful unfair of me to expect anything different. And I love you, and know you love me. I don't need any more than that."

Elvis leaned over and kissed you, claiming your lips with his. It was a sweet, sensual kiss that had restraint because you were in public, but held all the power to go further. Elvis was very good at conveying emotions through kiss. A skill you didn't realize was a skill before dating Elvis Presley. His hand came to rest on your knee and it was calloused and rough. He had small scars on his fingers from when he'd been playing the guitar too much and it was so charming. You loved his hands.

In the distance, a song started. You and Elvis broke away from the kiss to look. Just down the beach, away from your private area but close enough that you could see the fire from their campground, a group of young men started singing something. You weren't familiar with the tune. It was fast paced and they had a pair of drums they smacked in rhythm with it.

The sound of music seemed to incite something in Elvis and he rose to his feet, offering his hand to you. You took it because of course you did. There would never be a day when you didn't take it.

He started to dance on the uneven sand, kicking his feet to spray it on you. You laughed, kicking some back at him. Elvis loved to dance and he loved to dance with you. He grabbed you round the waist and lifted you. Your legs wrapped around his waist and he spun the two of you in circles. When you landed, you twirled away and began to dance with the music like he was.

Elvis threw his shoulders back, thrusted his hips and followed each movement of the song as though it was choreographed. It never was, it was all him. When he closed his eyes as though to really feel the music, you kicked a pile of sand at him. A piece hit his mouth and he laughed audibly.

"Why-" another kick of sand to his person and he started to playfully chase you. Sand is incredibly hard to run in, so you only got a few steps before he picked you up from behind, hoisting you over his shoulder. He started to walk to the water and you kicked to get out of his grasp, but it was all in good fun.

With a dramatic splash, you fell into the freezing water. Elvis wiped his hands as though he was done and turned to leave, but you gripped his arm and pulled you in to join you. The wave hit his face as he landed. He made a strangled gurgling noise and you laughed.

Elvis kissed you. You both had sand in your face, in your hair, saltwater in your mouth, but it didn't matter. You just enjoyed being with him, even if the water was colder than hell. His hands wrapped around your waist and brought you closer to him. As his tongue slid into your mouth, a wave knocked him down.

You laughed as you went down with it, then came back up sputtering. Elvis and you exchanged a look before bursting into laughter.

"C'mon let's warm up," he said, taking your hand and guiding the both of you back to the beach house. The music was still playing faintly in the distance.

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