I Was The One - Austin Butler (NSFW)

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A/N: I'm literally writing this on my work break ✌️also "Eloise" is just a made up ex, didn't want to use Vanessa

You and Austin had been best friends since you were teenagers. It had all started at Bobby's Diner, a small little restaurant where you had worked as a waitress during your afternoons. Austin and a bunch of his friends had piled in late at night, covered in sweat and talking about the latest show they were in. You'd smiled at the mass of what was clearly theatre kids, and came to serve them.

It was a group of easily twenty kids in a variety of booths. No one else was there to help serve and when they started to yell orders at you, hopping up and going to different seats, you began to feel overwhelmed. You scrambled down the different pies and burgers and shakes and fries and platters that people wanted, remembering that the redhead couldn't have lettuce and the one with purple cheeks from whatever show they did couldn't stand mustard. When you got all the orders and put them in to the chef, you took a deep breath. Then you had to put in twenty different tabs for who was buying what. The light on the screen had been hurting your head, and you rubbed at your temples to try to relieve some pain.

Austin, who of course you hadn't know was Austin yet, came up beside you. He held his palm out.

"Holy shit!" You jumped, grabbing your chest. You hadn't seen or heard him approach so when his palm came into sight it scared you.

He laughed and held a hand up, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no, it's okay. My bad. Can I help you?" You said after taking a shaky breath.

He lifted his palm again that had two small advil tablets. You looked up with a surprised expression and he just smiled, "I saw you rubbing your head and this group can't be easy. Just thought I'd offer some help."

You smiled up at him, and accepted the advil. Your water bottle was on the desk, and you swallowed it while he was there, "Thank you."

"Is there anything else I can do? Maybe carry some plates?"

You wanted to accept his help but you knew that Frank, your manager, would be livid over letting a customer do anything. You shook your head.

"Anything at all?"

"Well... maybe get people to stay in one spot? So I can deliver food to the right people." You felt guilty asking, but if he was going to offer you might as well take him up on it. Austin's face lit up like a Christmas tree, he was thrilled to be able to do something helpful.

"On it."

He left you alone, and you could hear him politely telling people to stay put. When you began to come out with trays of food, he helped tell you whose order was whose and sure enough - everyone was sitting where they'd originally been. They'd listened to Austin. You shot him a quickly mouthed 'thank you' as you told the group to call for you when they were ready.

People filed out at different times and you took their checks when they needed. As the restaurant itself closed and the last customers left, you noticed Austin hanging around the front. He had already paid, but he seemed to be waiting. You just wanted to get home so you went to, politely, shoo him out.

"Anything I can help you with? The diner's officially closed."

"Oh, I know, I actually was waiting to see if I could talk to you."

Your eyebrows jumped up, "me?"

"Yeah. I wanted to, you know, meet you. I'm Austin."

"I'm Y/N."

You spent the next ten minutes getting to know one another and exchanging numbers. You thanked him for his help and he thanked you for being so accommodating. And since then, you two have always been good friends. Maybe you didn't talk all the time, but when you did it just clicked. He completely understood you and you completely understood him in a way that you can't entirely describe.

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