Reconsider Baby Pt 2/ Trying to Get to You - Elvis (NSFW)

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A/N : got way more requests for this than I expected

You didn't hear Elvis come back last night, but his stuff was gone from the penthouse when you woke up. Your face was tight and sore from the crying. As the sun crept through the large windows, you leaned against the headboard and hugged the pillow to your chest. Images of the night before flashed in your mind. The woman's lips around Elvis's cock, his pleasure as he thrusted into her, the horror on his face when he realized you were there. His bodyguard David had tried to protect you. Even though he pissed you off, he was trying to stop you from seeing it.

Elvis had cheated on you. Somehow, you knew he had been cheating on you this entire marriage. But without confirmation you could push it from your mind, you could focus on the moments you were there for. Now you had a constant reminder, a memory to fall back on.

That woman and her cherry red lips around your husband's cock. You didn't notice the tears until they dripped down your chin. Your nose was running and you went to swipe it away, surprised to see blood.

"Fuck," you murmured to yourself. Now was not the time for a bloody nose. You climbed off the bed, holding your head back as you went to the bathroom to clean it up. The red that dribbled onto your lip seemed to only remind you of the woman and you closed your eyes and you wiped it away. No more.

You spent that day in the penthouse, ordering copious amounts of food to wallow. 'I Love Lucy' played on the television and when Lucy went on ridiculous efforts to assure Ricky wasn't cheating on her, you found yourself supporting her. You didn't leave once. And you only cried a handful of times. When the sun went down, you went to one of the large windows and leaned against it. Vegas was alive beneath you, cars racing down the streets and shows performing everywhere. Your husband was performing several floors down.

You mindlessly shoveled, now cold, fries into your mouth as you watched the stars take over the night sky. They were beautiful. Few and far between, hidden beneath the grey clouds of the night, they shined their glow upon you. You found your comfort in them, counting as many as you could before you found your eyelids growing heavy.

The rising sun woke you up, hitting your face with its bright rays. You'd fallen asleep against the window, hand still on the plate of fries and curled in a ball.

You decided to take a shower. You felt crusty from the days lounging and your body hurt with exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion seemed to take a similar toll as the physical. The warm water hit your chest and bounced to your face. Your eyes fluttered shut as you just felt it cascade over you, covering you completely. It was warm.

You didn't want to leave the shower. But you'd spent so long inside your fingers and toes had pruned and your hair was a heavy mop on your head. You turned it off and stood awkwardly in the shower as goosebumps ran along your skin. The normal process of drying, wrapping a robe then doing that thing you do to create a towel hair wrap all seemed tedious and mundane but you enjoyed the excuse to do something.

When you went out into the main room, you were surprised to see Elvis there. He seemed just as shocked to encounter you, like he hadn't intended to disturb you.

He stood in a black suit, purple glasses on his nose, tall in the center. In his hands he had a black bag partially filled with clothes. You guess he hadn't gotten everything that first trip.

"Hi," he said hoarsely, removing his glasses. His eyes were puffy and red from crying.


"I just came to pick up."

"I figured," you said, crossing your arms on your chest.

He swallowed, staring at the floor, "I miss you."

You didn't want to admit that you missed him. That even 24 hours seemed a million years without him. Instead you remembered that woman and the anger built. "Yeah, well, I'm sure you'll find another blonde to replace me."


"Stop, Elvis." You put your hand up, "I don't want to hear it."

"Please just listen to me."

"Why? Why should I listen to you? What have you done that warrants me listening to you?" You spat.

Tears began to silently stream down Elvis's face but he didn't make any moves to stop it. He swallowed again, "you're right. I don't deserve to be heard."

"No you don't!" You were angry now, rage filling the corners of your mind. You stormed towards him. "Elvis, you tore my heart out. I hate you for it. I hate you for cheating. I hate you for all this hurt. And I hate that despite all of that... I miss you so much."

Hope seemed to sparkle in his eyes but he didn't want to assume. He searched your face desperately, hoping for a way to decipher what you were feeling. You couldn't even decipher it.

"You broke me, Elvis. You broke me and yet I don't want to lose you."

His hand came to hold the side of your face and despite your better judgment you leaned into his touch, crying still. "You'll never lose me. Never, ever."

His voice was coarse, uneven and gravelly, "I don't deserve you."

You don't know why you asked. It probably wouldn't benefit either of you in the long run, and you wouldn't even say you were particularly aroused when you asked. But you knew you needed him. You needed him with you. So you said softly, "Kiss me, Elvis."

Elvis didn't hesitate to take your lips with his own. The kiss was soft, gentle, and even a little sombre. Both of your cheeks were wet from tears and you could feel it. But you didn't care. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His jaw opened to deepen the kiss.

You started to guide the two of you to the bed, Elvis's firm body on top of yours. Never once did he break the kiss. His tongue just caressed your bottom lip before sliding in your mouth, the taste of tears somehow getting in.

Your hands went for the belt buckle of his pants, undoing them and sliding everything down in one quick motion. You wrapped a hand around his length and his cock was hardening under your touch. Then you undid your robe so it lay open on either side of you, your naked body now touching him.

Elvis then went to cup your sex, fingers dipping into the collecting wetness. Silently asking for consent, Elvis lined his cock at your entrance and slid inside.

It wasn't purely sexual. While the two of you were both gaining sexual pleasure from this ordeal, that was far from the feel reason for it. You were with your husband in the most carnal, primal way. He was with you. There was a connection as your fingernails dug into his back and his hips thrusted to meet yours.

It was soft and sensual, but no less pleasurable than experiences of the past. You were still crying, he was too, but it wasn't as strong. Elvis bent to kiss the tears from your cheeks as he thrusted. His fingers found your clit, rubbing soft circles. Your hips went to match his movements.

He hit that spot inside of you that made your toes curl and his fingers stroked your clit in that delightful way. You orgasmed in a series of soft moans, Elvis following after you. Your name was like a prayer on his lips, and he laid on the bed next to you.

You felt new tears come and Elvis wiped them away, kissing you softly.

"I will never leave you." His voice was still gravelly, "no matter what, baby. I'll always be trying to get to you."

You wept.

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