An American Trilogy - Austin Butler

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A/N: not based on my personal experience at allllll

You'd never had your first kiss. You'd never had sex. You'd never made out or really known what it was like to feel sexually attracted to someone in real life. Celebrities or characters you definitely were, but most men in your life you couldn't actually fathom the idea of being close to them. You just resigned yourself to the fact that you might be some form of asexual, or at least not interested in sex. Maybe not with the right person.

Then you met Austin Butler. You definitely found him handsome, and he sent a certain warmth through your body that you couldn't describe. Yet still, when you pictured having sex you got scared. What if you failed? What if you were unappealing to him? What if it hurt, what if you didn't come? How do you tell someone what you like and what you don't like? Does it hurt their feelings?

A small romance had started between the two of you, but it wasn't anything serious. You didn't expect it to be at least, nobody ever liked you all that much and you never thought you could push past that stage that makes you squirm in your seat. So when day, when the two of you were eating ice cream at a park on what you had assumed was a normal hang out, and Austin asked to kiss you, you froze.

"Y/N?" He repeated your name, looking worried now. "Nevermind we don't-"

"No," you said quickly. "It's not that I don't want to kiss you, it's just, well... I've never kissed anyone before."

"You've never had a first kiss?" Austin asked with his brows lifted.

You shook your head sheepishly.

"We don't have to, Y/N. I just wanted to," he paused, biting his lip. "you look perfect right now."

"Will you show me?" You asked softly, blinking up at him. Maybe it was his words and how kind he'd been, but you suddenly wanted to experience that first kiss very much. The fears still lingered in your mind as his hand came to cup your jaw. What if you sucked? Did your breath stink? Did his breath stink? What if it wasn't all it was cracked up to be? What if it was awkward and uncomfortable? What if -

Then he kissed you. A sweet, closed mouth kiss to your lips. Your eyes instinctively fluttered closed, and you focused on the feeling of his soft lips against yours. Molding to one another. Austin didn't push it, didn't try to slip in a tongue or be forceful. He just poured his passion into it. It wasn't what you expected at all. There weren't fireworks in the distance and you weren't suddenly incredibly horny, but a warm tingling sensation went through you and you smiled.

When Austin pulled away he seemed a little shy, as if he hadn't been kissing you seconds earlier.

"Was it everything you hoped? Did I do alright?" He asked, his voice had a little rasp to it.

"It was good," you said a little breathlessly, not knowing how to react. It was damn lovely, but that probably wasn't the adjective he wanted to hear. You just focused on taking deep breaths. "Did I.. was I bad?"

"What?" He asked with a little laugh, his eyes searching yours.

You repeated, "was I bad? Was the kiss not... good?"

"Y/N, it was your first kiss. You shouldn't worry about how you did, you should think about how it made you feel. This isn't school, I'm not grading you."

"But I want you to enjoy it."

"Y/N," he seemed to love saying your name, like it rolled off the tongue in the most delightful way for him. "Getting to kiss you is enjoyable for me. I don't need you to pull out and fancy moves."

You smiled, looking at your feet. His reassurance was nice but you still felt like you could something more for him, like you weren't enough.

His thumb stroked your cheek softly, looking into your eyes and he said, "Can I kiss you again?"

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