Surrender - Elvis

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A/N: this song is a banger. This was a request by @octavia_b hope you like it! It's a bit ooc for Elvis but it's a request!

"Is that you, doll?" Elvis's groggy voice carried through the room as you came in the with the laundry basket. You'd already been up for a few hours doing household chores, but he just got back from 6 consecutive weeks at the International Hotel on a late flight. Despite it being well into the afternoon, you let him sleep.

"Hey baby," you said softly. You took his suitcase by the door and placed it on the bed to unzip it. He'd been working so hard, you decided it would be helpful to do some of his laundry. He started to mumble something but you didn't catch it. When you threw open the lid you gasped and looked up at Elvis, feeling completely betrayed. Lining the top of his clothes like a layer of its own, dozens of orange bottles filled with a range of pills sat. There were so many. You started collecting them in your hands before dropping them back in, shocked to see them.

"It ain't what it looks like." Elvis started, getting off the bed to wrap himself in his red bathrobe.

You gave him a bewildered look. "What the hell do you mean?"

"It just, it," he began to stutter and ran a hand through his hair, "it just ain't what it looks like."

"Well, it looks like you've been getting high off your ass for weeks. God Elvis, this is enough to fill a Goddamn hospital." You stepped away, anger filling you. You wanted to throw something, to spit at him, to show him the error of his ways. No he couldn't choose to be an addict, but he can choose to do something about it. He was letting it overtake his life. Based on the amount, you were surprised he came back alive.

"Would you just listen?"

"What the fuck do I have to listen to Elvis? What?" You moved further from the suitcase like it was going to bite you. "You're letting these fucking pills take over your life."

You stormed from the room, needing to just get away from him. Elvis followed you as you thundered down the steps.


"Don't you call me Doll."

"Y/N," he said more clearly. "It's just for sleep. That's all them pills do. You know I got sleepin issues."

You swallowed, going to pick up the living room so you could get away from this nonsense he was spewing.

"Right, right. Cause Valium, Demoral, AND Codeine are just required to sleep huh?" You could list more that he was doing but you didn't have the heart for that. "You know you could fucking kill yourself on all those pills? What would you do? If you just woke up one day and were dead. Leaving me, your father, your fucking fans, just stranded."

Elvis put his hands on his hips, "well if I'm dead I prolly wouldn't wake up."

"Oh shut up!" You groaned, not needing him to be a smart ass now. "You are ruining your life for some fake high."

"They drown the pain out!" He shouted at you.

"We all have fucking problems, Elvis. But it don't mean you can just take a million pills and expect to live forever. One day you're going to die and you're going to break the worlds heart. But you don't fucking care, do you? You're so selfish. You just want to get high and have some virgin suck you off."

"Don't you talk to me like that." Elvis pointed his finger at you but you weren't done talking.

"Just because everyone else's world revolves around Elvis Presley don't mean you can go on killing yourself. Have some fucking perspective. Or are you too doped up to understand what I'm saying?"

"Y/N, I'm warning you."

You laughed in his face, relishing in the way his eyebrows contorted in an expression of anger. When red creeped up his neck you practically flew past him towards the staircase.

"Warning me, huh? What the hell are you warning me about? I'll give you the real warning." You were being a little irrational as you spoke but you were so angry it didn't matter.

When you got into the room, you collected as many bottles in your arm as you could. Then you went into the restroom and dropped them onto the counter. As fast as you could, you unscrewed the lids and dumped them into the toilet. Elvis came bumbling into the room fuming. When he saw you flushing the pills he made towards you.

"Get the fuck away Elvis!" You screamed, throwing bottles at him. They bounced off his chest and he lifted his arms to stop them. Tears were streaming down your cheeks now and you just wanted to scream into the universe. Elvis was maddening.

Then he did something entirely unexpected. Elvis lifted his hand and smacked you across the cheek. It wasn't a particularly hard hit, he wasn't really trying, but Elvis had struck you. Your tears continued but you stopped everything else. He paused too, eyes widening when he realized what he had done. You lifted a hand to hold your cheek, slightly stinging. In the mirror, it was pink.

"Shit, Y/N, baby..." Elvis's jaw quivered and he couldn't seem to make sense of it. He fell to his knees before you and began to cry. "Baby I am so sorry. God I hate myself, baby I can't believe..."

His hands came to clutch at your skirt but you just stood completely stunned. Elvis wasn't a violent man, not in the entire time you've known him. This was so unusual. His cheeks were bright pink and glossy from his tears and his nose had started to run.

He stood up quickly, "I can't, I've gotta call the cops baby. I'm a wife beater."

He ran into the bedroom and towards the phone by the bed. After a few seconds you followed him, seeing him sit on the edge and start to dial 911.

"Elvis stop." Your voice croaked.

He didn't listen.

"Elvis, stop." You said more firmly. He looked up at you with glossy eyes.

"Baby I gotta tell them cops," he sniffled.

"No you don't." You walked towards him so you were in front of him.

"Baby, what I did, that was just awful. Ain't nothin gonna forgive that. I gotta go to prison." He hiccuped the words, going again to the phone. You took it from him, placing it on the dresser. Elvis wailed and brought his hands to cover his eyes. "Baby I hate myself. Ain't nothin gonna forgive that."

"Elvis, I forgive you."

"You shouldn't," he moaned.

"I forgive you."

Elvis fell to his knees in front of you, clasping his hands in front of him. He was a shell of a man. "No, no, I gotta beg for it. Y/N, Y/N I know I don't deserve it. But please forgive me. I know you can't but I -"

You placed a finger on his lips, "I forgive you."

Elvis sobbed. He cried big, wailing, chest wrecking sobs that left him heaving. You went to the floor and pulled him to you, he just needed to be held. Elvis was struggling. The pills were consuming his life. You knew that he would never forgive himself for what he did, but you would. He needed somebody to let him know it's okay to make mistakes. Maybe not everyone would, but you were willing to try.

His tears soaked the top of your dress. You rubbed his back softly.

"It's so damn hard..." he said softly. "I can't let 'em go.. I try. Lord knows I try."

"I know baby."

Elvis continued to cry and you began to softly sing a familiar song to him. The song he sang to you when he proposed.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help
Falling in love with you..."

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