His Latest Flame - Austin Butler

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A/N : Inspired by @butlerstyles on ao3. Please read it, literally soooo cute!

Today was not a good day. You had just gotten off an 8 hour shift in which a customer called the entire company, including it's workers, distrustful then insulted your new haircut. On the drive home, your car's air conditioning decided to just stop working. And of course you had forgotten to deposit your check so when you went to pay in the drive thru at Wendy's, you card was declined and you had to say goodbye to the chocolate Frosty. Things were not going well.

You pulled into the apartment's garage, parked your car and wanted to verbally assault the sun for its oppressive heat before seeing your elderly neighbor, Mrs Nichols, on a walk. You waved politely, forcing a smile you didn't feel and just went upstairs.

From the hallway you could hear the faint sound of music and knew without having to focus that Austin was listening to Elvis Presley. You opened the door, and the television which was visible from the hallway, was open to Spotify and 'That's All Right, Mama' was playing. You yawned to yourself, toeing off your shoes and going towards the kitchen.

Austin hadn't noticed you yet. He sang along to the lyrics as he made what seemed to be mountains of pancakes. His blonde hair was tousled on his head. He wore a plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, and his hips were shaking just slightly to the music. Try as he might, Elvis had made an impact on him and his music only seemed to encourage that fact.

You leaned against the wall, watching him with a secret smile on your lips. He was so handsome, and when he glanced up at you with a crooked smile you knew you were deeply in love. Austin Butler was everything to you.

The song changed and one of Austin's favorites came on. He immediately pointed the spatula towards his chin like a microphone as he mouthed along.

"A very old friend came by today
'Cause he was telling everyone in town
Of the love that he just found,"

Austin smiled, dropping his chin,

"And Marie's the name, of his latest flame."

He pointed it towards you, featuring for you to sing the next verse but you waved him off and laughed. Austin pouted his big bottom lip and went towards you as he mouthed the next words with Elvis,

"He talked and talked and I heard him say
That she had the longest, blackest hair
The prettiest green eyes anywhere
And Marie's the name,"

Austin grabbed your waist and pulled you to him, making you giggle slightly. He mouthed against your cheek, "of his latest flame."

You laughed against Austin, throwing your arms up around his neck and grinning like a fool while he spun the two of you around in the kitchen. Austin closed his eyes and listened to the music, holding you tightly to him.

"Though I smiled, the tears inside were burning
I wished him luck and then he said goodbye
He was gone but still his words kept returning
What else was there for me to do but cry?"

He pouted his lips at the last line, kissing the tip of your nose. His hands on your hips were light and his fingers tapped along.

"Would you believe that yesterday
This girl was in my arms and swore to me
She'd be mine eternally
And Marie's the name of his latest flame."

Austin spun you in his arms and you came back laughing, dancing along with him. This song was surprisingly upbeat for the sad message but neither Austin or you cared as you danced in the most mindless way to it. You watched Austin as he listened to the music, mouthing the words and stealing kisses when he could.

You couldn't help but laugh, because pure happiness warranted no other reaction. Austin seemed to come alive with each laugh and smile he could get from you, dropping his head to kiss your neck sweetly.

As the song came to a jaunty end, Austin looked into your eyes. With a look in his eye you couldn't quite decipher, he murmured the lyrics, "she had the longest, blackest hair. The prettiest green eyes anywhere."

Maybe those descriptions weren't entirely accurate to who you were, but it didn't seem to be the words he cared about. More of the message. His hand came to your face, thumb brushing your bottom lip as he softly sang, "Marie's the name of his latest flame."

Then he kissed you. A soft, gentle, yet soul searing kiss that made your heart inside your chest beat violently against its cage. Then a loud ringing interrupted you, and the two of you turned to see a column of smoke coming from the pan he had abandoned to dance with you.

"Shit!" Austin said, rushing to scrap the burnt remains of the pancake and to stop the alarm from going off. You giggled to yourself, riding on your high of simply being in love.

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