I Got a Woman - Austin Butler

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A/N: super short but always fun

Austin Butler was an eloquent man. That's part of what made him so handsome to the media. He was sensual, calm, introverted and confident - he appealed to the 'written by a woman' stereotype that women loved. So when you started to date Austin Butler, you hardly imagined you'd see him be far from eloquent. It was in his nature, wasn't it?

Well now, Austin was in the elevator of the hotel grinding his hips as though he was still Elvis Presley. He was absolutely shitfaced, there was no doubt about it. Austin was rarely one to get drunk but after a few particularly nasty reviews, one shot turned into three, three into six, and alcohol never bodes well on an empty stomach.

You met him at the hotel bar and almost immediately decided to guide him back to the room. He was a shy person at heart, Austin would hate to know that he acted a fool under the influence. So you took him back into the room and along the way he channeled one of his idols, Elvis Presley.

His voice was thick and deep with alcohol, an accent slurring his words as he fell to the knees singing along to whatever strange version of 'Trouble' that was floating around in his head. When the elevator dinged open, you didn't even get a chance to help Austin off the floor before he hopped up, shimmying on the wrong direction and singing, "I'm evil, evil, evil as can be!"

"Aus!" You whisper screamed, going after him and looping an arm in his. He pouted, pulling it back.

"Hey, hey! I got a woman, lady." He grumbled.

You tried to suppress the laughter that wanted to bubble up. You were that woman after all, but you supposed that was easy to forget in his drunken state. Instead you just nodded, "I understand, let's get you to bed."

His blue eyes widened and he gasped, "I said I got a woman! I can't go to bed!"

"I'm not offering to sleep with you, you just need to rest," you propped your hands on your hips.

He squinted, "you ain't gonna be bad?"

"Nope. Just sleep, I promise."

Austin nodded slowly, as though the words were registering, and he stumbled off in the direction of the room. You opened the door and he went in, face planting onto the soft duvet of the bed.

As he started to adjust, you went and untied his shoes for him. He didn't seem to notice, his eyes fluttering shut and his breath starting to even out. When you went to take his suit jacket off, he hissed as though he'd been burned.

"I said I got a woman!"

"You need to get ready for bed."

He nodded, "nope, nope. Clothes stay on."

"Your girlfriend won't mind if you get ready for bed," you replied. You were the girlfriend, after all.

"Doesn't matter," Austin replied sleepily, going to slide beneath the covers. "I love her and I don't wanna risk nothing so I ain't gonna do nothing suspicious." He paused, hiccuped, then said, "Good night."

You tried to hide the little smile on your lips. You'd never worried that Austin was one to cheat, but the confirmation that he wouldn't even think of it was nice every once in a while. You curled up onto the bed, careful to keep your distance so he would know he wasn't 'cheating' and dreamt of your amazing boyfriend.

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