Only the Strong Survive - Elvis

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A/N : request by @extrainsanity ! I accidentally deleted the screenshot so I hope I did your request justice!

Something was in the air tonight. You couldn't explain it. Maybe it was the night sky that seemed oppressive even on the brightly lit stadium. Maybe it was the dancers who were just slightly off tempo to the band. But something was in the air and it sent a rush of excitement up your spine.

You were going to see one of your best friends, Elvis Presley, perform. He'd been a friend of yours for years but you'd never gotten the chance to see what was so captivating to the audiences. But he'd invited you to come see him this night, and you followed Colonel Tom Parker towards a more private viewing area apart from the stage.

You'd never admit to him if he asked, but you were incredibly attracted to him and today was no exception. In a black on black suit tailored to his exact body, Elvis looked like sin personified. 

You watched with wide eyes as Elvis got up on stage and cleared his throat into the mic, an action that already excited the crowd. He began to speak in that deep, Southern voice of his about the new Elvis. The new expectations.

You and him made eye contact from your little spot. You saw his body change when he looked at you, his shoulders relaxed and he held his head higher. He gave a coy smile into the mic.

"You gotta listen to the people you love, but in the end, you gotta listen to yourself!"

Placing his guitar to the side, Elvis's body began to melt to the music. The opening chords of the song were electrifying loud and domineering. Elvis's whole demeanor had completely changed. The evidence of a rockstar now clear on his perfect features.

"If you're looking for trouble,
You came to the right place.
If you're looking for trouble,
Just look right in my face.
I was born standing up,
And talking back.
My daddy was a green eyed mountain Jack
Because I'm evil,
My middle name is misery.
Well I'm evil,
So don't you mess around with me."

His eyes scoured the crowd, and his seductive grin deepened when he saw you again. Elvis Presley became even more a star in that moment than he already was. His body completely moved with the music, and he spat the lyrics as though they meant everything to him. They did - they were his rebellion. You didn't know details but you knew that someone was suppressing Elvis from being all that he was. And based on the way the little man beside you ground his teeth, you'd bet it was Colonel Tom Parker. Elvis was becoming all that Elvis Presley stood for, and Tom Parker hated it. The old man at your side cursed Elvis and how he didn't listen to him, and you just jutted your chin up in approval.

"I've never looked for trouble
But I've never ran.
I don't take no orders
From no kind of man.
I'm only made out
Of flesh, blood and bone.
But if you're gonna start a rumble
Don't you try it on alone.
Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery
Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me."

The music sped up and Elvis's legs twisted to the music. His torso jerking with each beat.

"I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be
I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be!"

"He didn't listen to me! How could he!" Parker spat.

"Woo! Go Elvis!" You screamed, clapping your hands excitedly. When Parker gave you a wary glance you just laughed awkwardly, "sorry. Got a little carried away."

You weren't sorry, not in the slightest. But you didn't want to cause any more riffs in the relationship. The police got onto the stage and had to drag Elvis from it, he fought against their grip but ultimately let himself be dragged towards the police car. You ran to him, caught up by the mob of teenagers desperate to feel Elvis Presley.

His blue eyes saw yours from a few yards and you fought through the crowd to get to him. One of his arms was still held by the police but he pulled free to grab your face in his hands. He was covered in a layer of sweat but you didn't care.

"Y/N," he gasped.


He bent down and took your lips in his. A bruising, passionate kiss that sent your head spinning on your shoulders as he was violently pulled away. Only the strong survive from that kind of power he held, and you felt your knees shake with each glance. He was shoved into the back of the car as fireworks exploded into the distance.

Elvis leaned his head on the seat, his face illuminated by the celebrations and he looked right at you. You looked at him, a hand over your heart in shock, awe, and fear over this situation. The car drove away.

You brought a hand to your mouth, he tasted like cinnamon.

The crowd was absolute chaos and you feared every moment as you waded through it, trying to find Tom. You saw Gladys be guided near a car and went to her. She threw her arms open and brought you in with her, wailing about her boy and the trouble he'd gotten himself into. You bit on your nails the whole car ride headed towards the jail where they'd taken him. What would happen with him? Was he alright?

When you arrived at the jail, the large group of you burst through the doors looking for Elvis. He hadn't even been properly booked yet, he just stood at the counter with his hands behind his back as some police officer typed in details.

Gladys ran to him and kissed his cheeks, pulling him to her and saying how she'd never let go. The cops groaned but complied to letting the groups say a few words before they processed him.

You went up to him and put your hand on his chest, eyes searching his for confirmation that that kiss wasn't a mistake. Elvis leaned down and kissed you again, this time softer. You held his head with your hands and felt the warmth of his tongue slide along his bottom lip before he was pulled away from you and ultimately the group.

You brought a hand to your lips and stared in shock, praying to everything that he would be alright.

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