Return to Sender - Austin Butler

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A/N: one of my favorite songs ngl, it's just so fun. This is cheesy but whatever

The tabloid sat on the rack by the mints with other gossip columns. Printed in large letters were the words 'HOLLYWOOD'S HUNK OF BURNING LOVE SINGLE.' Austin's picture from the MET Gala was there. He looked handsome. You knew that the interview came out yesterday, but you assumed it was like his other interviews which he had scripted answers you already knew. The flashy title of the tabloid had you pulling up the video on your phone.

The companies logo flashed across the screen and Austin's familiar grin set you a little at ease. You knew that wasn't going to last, at least if that article was right. Most of the questions were the stuff he was typically asked, and you scrolled towards the end where the interviewer asked if he had his own Priscilla Presley. You watched his eyes dart nervously to the side before laughing and saying he was single. Your heart completely fell to your toes. Yes, Austin was famous and that would impact your relationship. But you didn't expect him to so blatantly disregard any relationship with you. It had been a year.

You closed the video, walking out of the store as quickly as you could. You just needed to get home.

Maybe it wasn't fair to be angry. Austin was a superstar at this point, everyone knew who he was and he had thousands of women crushing after him. Men too. You should have known this going in, right? Wasn't only logical to assume parts of your relationship would or wouldn't be public? Maybe it wasn't fair to be upset, but you were. It felt like a public rejection. You laughed bitterly when you remembered the moment in his film 'Elvis' where Elvis breaks up with his girlfriend, Dixie, because its better for his image to be single. Never in a million years did you think you'd be Dixie.

When you got home, you immediately took off your bra and got into your comfy clothes. Austin tried to FaceTime you. You had spoken earlier about FaceTiming at 7, but now that seemed entirely impossible. You could not talk to him right now.

He called again. Then again. Then he shot you a text saying he was worried. The petty side of you wanted him to stir in this, to really worry about you. But the other side of you knew that some communication was needed, even if for the most part you wanted to be petty.

'The interview.'

He texted back immediately, 'the interview?'

You screenshot the tabloid's cover and sent it to him, turning your phone off for the evening. There. You communicated with Austin like an adult, and now you wanted to wallow like a child in what felt like public rejection. Maybe the most humiliating part was that no one knew you were rejected. If you ever tried to say that you were dating Austin Butler, you'd be the crazy one.

When you woke up you had about twenty messages from Austin, but you ignored all of them. You didn't want to deal with him and frankly didn't have the time. You went to work as usual, you feet hurt, then you came home and ate a pack of ramen while staring into space.

The next day before work, a letter came by your apartment. Austin's familiar handwriting was on the envelope. You did not want to deal with this. Taking out a purple pen, you scrawled 'Return to Sender' and circled his address. Then you placed it in the mailbox on your way to work and tried to ignore it.

The day after that, another letter appeared and you repeated the process - Austin needed to understand that you needed a break to process everything. Even if it was childish. You picked up your friend Polly on the way to work since her car had broken down. She saw Austin's letter on the passenger side and you took it back so you could put it in the mailbox.

"He sent you a letter?" Her eyebrows rose. She knew that you and Austin were dating and had even had dinner with the two of you. She liked him.

You groaned as you started the car, "its the second time."

"Girl," Polly said, "like no one sends letters nowadays."

"Thats not true."

"Christmas cards do not count. Austin is clearly trying to apologize."

"Then he shouldn't have said he was single when he's not! Or at least wasn't. He's got me all worried he doesn't want me anymore."

Polly turned her body towards you but you really couldn't look at her while you were driving. "Y/N, I totally get that it hurts for him to say hes single when he's not. But did you guys ever talk about it? His agent probably told him to say that. Hell, maybe he even said it to protect you from the publicity. Austin hates so much attention, maybe he thinks you would too."

You gripped the steering wheel tightly, "I do hate the attention. But it's not a decision he should have made for me. He should have talked to me."

"There. Thats the root of the issue. Communication."

"I thought we were good at that."

Polly snorted, "right, because writing 'return to sender' on two envelopes where he tries to apologize is peak communication."

"Shut up."

The next day was your off day and you were planning to sleep in as much as possible. Your shifts normally started at 8am and if you could sleep until 12pm, you'd been happy as a clam. But the door bell rang at 7:30am, and you briefly considered kicking the person responsible. But they wouldn't stop.

In your fluffy pink bathrobe your mom got you for Christmas three years ago, you opened the door to see Austin. He looked tired. His tanned cheeks went a little slack at seeing you, and he had purple bags under his blue eyes. He held a white envelope in his hands.


"Y/N. I know you're furious with me. I get it. And I'm so sorry. Please, just this and it will explain everything. You don't have to talk to me any time soon, just please don't shut me out." His voice was raw and deep. He seemed afraid you were going to slam the door in his face.

Maybe it was that expression that had you opening the door wider to invite him in. You took the letter and told him to go to the living room. You went into the bedroom to read.

I am so sorry. I didn't think about what I was doing. I was under the assumption that you didn't want this life, the fame and the pressure. Maybe by saying I was single, it would deflect any negative or unwanted criticism.
But baby, it was wrong of me to do that without asking and worse that I didn't tell you. I love you, I want you in my life and I want the world to know what a beautiful and talented girlfriend I have. Just say the word and I'll blast our relationship on all social media platforms. I love you, and I pray you will forgive me.
All my love,

It was short and sweet and exactly what you needed to hear. You couldn't imagine staying angry at Austin for long, he would always find a way into your heart. You padded in the living room where Austin held his head in between his hands. He perked up at the sound of you coming.

"You read it?" He asked.

You nodded, smiling. "I forgive you."

He took a huge sigh of relief like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders. He ran a hand through his hair, and stood up. You held your arms out and he practically ran to hold you. Austin didn't say anything, he just hugged you tightly like letting you go would be losing you entirely. When he parted, he kissed your lips softly.

"I've been thinking... what about our anniversary pictures? To post?"

You smiled at his thoughtfulness and nodded, kissing him again.

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