I Want You, I Need You, I Love You Pt 2

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First kiss/first date I Need You
2nd part of 'I Want You, I Need You, I Love You'

I Need You

"How's the burn?" Elvis asked when you opened the door of your apartment. He was leaning against the frame on an extended arm and it took all your mental energy to look away from the tanned muscle on display. He was dressed in a black short sleeve shirt, tucked into black dress pants. Elvis Presley looked like trouble - and you could eat him alive.

"Not too bad," you held up the afflicted knuckle, now shiny and healing but not worse for wear. "How's the club?"

"All good." Elvis smiled, stepping back so you could close the door and lock it behind you. "You ready to go, doll?"

"Yup," you tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, following Elvis outside and to his car.

It was a purple convertible with white leather seats. You raised your eyebrows in surprise at the expense. Elvis just smiled, opening the door for you.

"Where are we going?" You asked after Elvis got in and turned the car on. He began to answer with something about a carnival, but your eyes were laser focused on the arm he'd put on the back of your seat to reverse from the parking spot. Tanned and tone, with light hair dusting his forearms. This man was perfect. You found yourself drooling.

"Tell me something, Y/N." Elvis said, his arm flexing as he took the right turn.

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything, everything."

You leaned your head back against the seat, smiling. "Well, I'm twenty. I'm the eldest of three daughters. Oh, and I love music."

Elvis gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and he had a sly smile on his face, "oh yeah? What type?"

"All kinds but especially rock n roll."

Elvis's entire body seemed to light up at the sound of that, and he adjusted in his seat. His blue eyes glanced at you for a second, before looking back at the road. "You know rock n roll's my favorite too. It's just got this power to it, ya know? Like I feel like I could dance, cry, just really move to it."

"Who do you like?"

"Big Mama Thornton, BB King, all them are real good. What'd I've give to be like BB King," He touched his jaw, then began to pull into a parking space.

"I love Big Mama," you said, watching as excitement seemed to flow through Elvis. He seemed to love music and talking about it brought out a beautifully passionate side.

Elvis came around and opened the car door for you, talking about Big Mama and how kind she was to him. He said she let him sing one of her songs and he thinks about it all the time. You watched his face as he spoke, almost accidentally ignoring what he was saying. A bright light was in his eyes as they looked everywhere all at once. He had slightly pink cheeks and a permanent smile while he talked about the power of rock n roll. It was utterly charming, and you felt as though you could hear him talk about it for hours.

Behind him, a carnival was buzzing. There were vendors of different games and different snacks, large Ferris wheel and loud noises to attract you every which way. Your eyes watched teens enter the funhouse of mirrors or tossing baseballs to a board so a man with an absurd mustache falls into the water. It all looked so fun and vibrant.

"Sorry, sorry," Elvis rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Musta gone on forever about them music."

You smiled, taking his hand in yours, "I love seeing how passionate you are."

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