Catchin' on Fast - Austin Butler

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A/N : Request by @Gghzx6_SOr6 thank you for your patience!

"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N."

"And I'm Austin Butler."

"And this is Buzzfeed Untapped," you say with a smile as the producers nod. One of them gives you a thumbs up to signal that the take was good and they brought out a bucket filled with questions written on paper.

Austin took it and looked inside, commenting on the quantity, "they got lots to say."

"Sure do."

"I'm supposed to just pick one and we answer the question?" He asked, looking to the producers who nodded. He pulled out a slip of paper and read the words aloud, "'what is your favorite Elvis song?'"

Austin bit his lip and shook his head a little, "that decision's impossible. They're all like my babies, you know?"

"What about for today?" You asked, a small smile on your lips. Whenever interviewers asked about Elvis, a light started to shine in Austin's eyes. He loved that man and he loved that role, and you knew that even answering the same questions over and over didn't stop him from his excitement.

"Mm, maybe today I'd do American Trilogy cause it's really 3 songs. But that's one a hard one. What about you, Y/N?"

"It changes every day," you admitted. "Maybe Suspicious Minds. Or Blue Suede Shoes, I do love that one."

Austin nodded in agreement and picked out another slip of paper, he handed it to you so you could read it.

"'What was the hardest scene to film?'" You looked to Austin for him to answer first.

He brought hand to his jaw, rubbing as he thought on it, "you know, they all present their own challenges but I would say that the last scene I filmed was a little difficult. It was that montage where the camera spins around my face and about 4 burly Australian men are throwing buckets of water at me. It was an experience."

The two of you laughed a little at the memory and Austin smiled, encouraging you to answer.

"I don't think I had too many difficult scenes. Perhaps the airport scene, just because it was so emotional and I wanted to showcase that without losing my mind," you thought.

Austin was looking at you with a soft expression of fondness and you tried to ignore it. Despite being with him for over 6 months, his gaze still sent goose flesh down your skin and butterflies in your stomach.

He fished out the next question and laughed, his voice deep and raspy, "'what is your favorite movie to watch as a couple?'"

You tried to suppress the smile on your face because you knew your answer instantly. And by the looks of it, Austin knew the answer too. He rolled his eyes and answered, "I like a lot of movies, but I think watching 'Romeo + Juliet' with her has to be one of my favorites."

You giggled to yourself before you answered and Austin just brought a hand down in his face.

"Mine is 'Napoleon Dynamite.'"

"Is there a story to that?" One of the producers asked, referencing your excitement and Austin's playful begrudging attitude.

"You wanna tell it, babe? Or should I?"

"Be my guest," Austin said, gesturing with his hand.

"A while back when we first started dating, I had a friend send me a tiktok comparing Austin to Napoleon Dynamite. If I remember correctly they called you a 'yassified' version of him. It's kind of become a running joke between the two of us," you said, looking at him fondly.

"One of our rehearsals, Y/N comes up to me like she's gonna tell me a secret and just whispers 'Tina, you fat lard.' It took everything in me to not die in that moment."

You chuckled, "I tried so hard to get him to do the dance on stage as Elvis but he wouldn't!"

Austin rolled his eyes, "next question!"

The interview continued on pretty much like normal, with a few general questions and a few about Elvis specifically. One of the questions asked about the different dances Elvis did, and after Austin gave a thoughtful answer you did the bird motion from Napoleon Dynamite. The crew burst into laughter.

"You're never gonna let that go?" He asked with a laugh.

"Oh, you're catching on fast," you said with a wink, stopping to answer the question honestly. The rest of the interview went on smoothly with few Napoleon Dynamite references from you. Austin always tried to steal little glances with you, his face softening whenever you were smiling or laughing.

You ended the interview and Austin helped you get into your coat so the two of you could leave. Then in a low deep voice, he whispered, "you gonna eat your tots?"

It took everything in you to not die of laughter. If anything was going to make you fall in love with this man, it was that right then.

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