Where No One Stands Alone - Elvis

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A/N : Request by @Queen_Addict4life hard to write Elvis as a dad and not a love interest

You swiped at the mascara that ran down your cheeks, but it just smudged and stayed on your skin like a demonic tattoo. A reminder of the night. It didn't matter how much you scrubbed at your skin, the reminder of his grimy lips upon yours, or the way he pushed you from his car, lingered. Every time you closed your eyes you felt the pressure of his mouth, the look of disdain that flickered once you rejected him, and the cold of the asphalt beneath your sandals.

Jeremy, your boyfriend of 2 weeks, had tried to make a move on you. When you fought, saying that the last thing you wanted was to have sex in some old car in the middle of a Vons parking lot, he got angry. Then he pushed you from the car and sped away.

You'd gotten a cab, holding back your tears as the night's memories came pouring in. And when you did get home, your makeup smudged and wouldn't leave your face. Your cheeks grew red and irritated from your wiping with a rough towel, but you didn't care. You sat in front of the mirror and swiped angrily at your skin, muttering, "off, off, off," with increased urgency.

"Hey baby -" a little knock on your door came followed by your father, Elvis Presley, opening it with a lazy little smile. His voice stopped when he saw your face.

You threw the rag down and went to hide your face best you could. But he'd already seen the black tracks on your face, marring your features. His face hardened as he took in the rest of you, the slight scratches on your knees and the way your whole body shook ever so slightly. But when he looked into your eyes, he softened and held his arms out.

"What happened?"

You fell into his hug, letting yourself sob onto your father. He held you for several long minutes, rubbing your back and kissing your forehead as you calmed down. Then he parted and his expression grew serious, "did that asshole do somethin?"

"W-what?" You hiccuped.

"Jeremy. He gone up and done somethin?"

You sputtered for a moment, "how'd you-"

"Hell nah," your daddy spat. The little line between his eyebrows went deeper with anger. "Ain't no man gonna treat you like shit. You are my baby, you deserve the goddamn world."

"Daddy-" But he was already gone, racing down the steps and towards the telephone. You went after him, "daddy don't! You don't even know what happened."

"Y/N! I don't care what happened, no boy gotta have you crying like that. It ain't right."

"I don't want to cause drama," you sobbed.

Elvis paused for a moment, looked at your face, and set the phone down. Then he hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your forehead. "Y/N, you're my baby and you'll always be my baby. I ain't ever gonna let no man hurt you. I'm only stopping cause I don't wanna hurt you more, but one more thing outta that boy and I will kick him so hard he'll be seeing stars for weeks."

"Okay," you said softly.

After a pause, he said, "You want some Mac and cheese? Came to tell you I just made a pot."

You laughed, "okay."

Elvis One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now