Long Black Limousine - Austin Butler (NSFW)

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A/N: sorry haven't updated as much!

You teased your hair in the mirror, making sure it maintained its shape. It rarely behaved the way you wanted it to, so you wouldn't be surprised if it was practically dead in an hour. But you wanted it to look big and beautiful.

You heard footsteps come in through the bedroom and pause in the doorway of the bathroom. As you took out your lipstick, you looked to see.

Austin was leaning against the doorframe, a smile on his lips as he watched you. He looked handsome as hell. His black on black suit was tailored, showing off his long legs and broad shoulders. His blonde hair was tousled and curled just the side of professional and not bed head. You almost wished bed head was appropriate for these kind of events, because his curls were completely unmatched and adorable.

"Hey," he said softly, watching you with those intent blue eyes.

"Hi," you answered. You tried to ignore his burning stare as you quickly swiped the lipstick on. You felt hands around your waist and looked into the mirror to see Austin behind you, leaning on you.

"You look beautiful," he said.

You leaned into him and took a deep breath, inhaling his flowery yet masculine scent. His hands were long against your waist and stomach. Normally you'd feel self conscious with him touching you around your stomach, but with Austin you knew their wasn't a judging bone in his body. He loved you and he loved the way you looked.

As his hands moved from your waist to your stomach, holding you in a sweet way, you closed your eyes at the feeling. His hands were your favorite. They were always a little calloused, long, thin fingers with slight scars along the tips from playing the guitar until his fingers bled. He recently had taken up wearing rings, and they always felt cool to your skin. Something about those rings were so sexy. And when you felt them touching you as his hands did, it was an added layer to the entire experience. His hands were strong, capable, yet they never hurt you or grabbed at you. They just held you, or praised you, the way Austin wanted. That's why they were your favorite.

"We have to go," he murmured in his deep voice, the sound reverberating through your soul. You sighed, but followed him as he led you outside. You laughed when you saw the car.

"A limo? Is this prom junior year?"

He laughed and rolled his eyes, "I didn't choose it."

He held the door open for you and you slid inside, the slit on your dress parting with the movement. But you didn't cover yourself. It was just Austin in the car and there was a partition with the driver.

He sat beside you, the warmth of him radiating through his suit and your dress. After a moment or two, Austin placed a hand on your knee and massaged it slightly. You felt yourself lean into his touch, welcoming whatever he was sending. His thumb started to rub your knee slowly as he looked out the window, sending warmth and excitement straight your core. You seemed to buzz slightly under his touch.

You felt yourself get all hot and bothered. You took deep breaths, trying to stop your hips from meeting his fingers as he dipped his hand to rest more closely on your thigh. It was so warm, large, and so close to where you needed.

His fingertips grazed the skin of your hip, and he raised his brows at the lack of panties. He asked in a low voice, "no underwear?"

"Panty lines," you said a little breathlessly.

"Dangerous girl." His hand dipped under your skirt to cup your sex, which was shamefully wet under his touch. He practically hissed, "God, Y/N, you'll be the death of me."

Austin leaned in to kiss you, claiming your lips as his. You moaned, and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. Austin was a wonderful kisser, and he seemed to mold his lips to yours with each touch. He sucked your bottom a little, pulling at it and making your back arch when he touched your clit at the same time. His fingers lazily stroked around your sex, not trying to do anything in specific. He knew how to pleasure you, he'd done it a hundred times, but he wanted you to squirm under his touch. And squirm you did. Your hips started to move to meet his fingers, grinding your hips and trying to stop the noises of pleasure from your lips.

Then he slowed down, lazily stroking you as though your previous attempts meant nothing to him. You let out a frustrated breath.

Austin's fingers collected some of the collecting liquids at your entrance, coming up to circle your clit. It was maddening. He inserted one finger into you, quickly followed by a second pumping in and out.

At this angle, his palm was brushing against your clit giving you that much needed friction. He inserted a third finger, then curled them slightly. You made a small gasping noise, and Austin groaned in response.

"I love it when you sing for me," he murmured. Your head fell back at his words.

Austin fucking Butler knew exactly what turned you on, and within seconds of that third finger he was getting you ready for an orgasm. He circled your clit, grinding against it as his finger flexed inside of you. They hit that spot that made your toes curl in your heels, made you bite your lip and arch your back to meet him. He didn't hesitate to take you right over that edge.

"Come for me, good girl."

You orgasmed with a mewling noise, hips wildly meeting his fingers until the fire spread through your whole body. He eased you down with small strokes until you were boneless against him, taking deep, chest wracking breaths.

Then he pulled his hand from you, bringing his fingers to his mouth and licking them clean. The sight made your arousal start to spike again, but you knew now was not the time.

Then Austin leaned in and kissed you, those plump pink lips claiming you. You moaned into him, cherishing his tongue as it dove into your mouth. He was everything and you felt yourself falling even deeper in love.

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