I'll Remember You - Elvis

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A/N : request by @extrainsanity, definitely going to have a part 2

"I saw it! I swear!" Your friend Betty insisted as the two of you left the area where Elvis Presley had just performed. That name meant nothing just minutes earlier and now it seemed to occupy your whole world, thoughts of him flashing across your mind.

"There's no way!"

The two of you had been debating Elvis, and more specifically Betty claimed that she had seen Elvis's penis move with the fabric of his pants while he danced. You did not see it, then again you hadn't really been looking all that hard for it. Betty was swearing up and down that it shook like a leaf while he moved and you elbowed her for that analogy.

"What?" She laughed, holding her rib as you walked through the carnival.

"I do not need that comparison in my head."

"Well it was shaking. And leaves shake."


"What?" She laughed again, poking your arm. "You think you have a better description?"

"You did not see it, there's no way."

Betty rolled her eyes, "well if you shake like that, body parts are bound to wiggle."

You gawked at her boldness. The two of you had stopped near an open tent where there wasn't too many people. Even if there had been, Betty was never the shy type. She even went as far as to do an imitation wiggle, but it wasn't very good.

"He didn't do that!" You said when she just straight up thrusted her hips forward. Yes Elvis gyrated, but none of it was so overtly sexual. It was the subtly to some of it that made it better.

Betty propped her hands on her hips, waving towards you, "and you could do it better?"

"I didn't -"

"Please, oh teach me mighty one," Betty said dramatically, gesturing towards you as though you were some grandmaster.

You rolled your eyes, but you were genuinely having fun so you leaned on either foot for a second to get your bearing before jumping into your own Elvis impression. You quickly bounced off each foot, mainly staying on your toes as you moved side to side with a giggle.

Betty was clapping and laughing, encouraging you and you even leaned forward to say a deep, and awful impression, saying, "I wanna play house witchuuuuu..."

Then Betty stopped, clasping her hands over her mouth. You stiffened and turned in the direction she was staring at. With wide eyes, you too slapped a hand over your mouth in complete shock.

With a smirk on his handsome face, Elvis was leaning against one of the walls near the tent. He wore a black lace shirt tucked into high waisted white pants, an arm propped against the wall and just subtly flexing the tan muscle. His blue eyes were watching you, and based on the way he chuckled deeply in his chest when you looked to him, you assumed he just saw everything. You grew red from mortification.

"Hello," he said, his voice practically a purr as it ran up and down your spine. It was deep and sensual.

"Mr-Mr Presley," you sputtered, suddenly wishing that the pits of hell opened beneath you.

"Oh, doll, just call me Elvis."

"I'm so sorry, my friend," you turned to gesture to Betty, but she was suddenly nowhere to be seen. You looked anxiously but she had completely abandoned you to flounder next to Elvis Presley. "I, I -"

"No worries, baby girl," he smiled softly, like he had been there a lot longer than either of you realized. "I ain't take no offense."

"Oh," you said dumbly.

After a pause, Elvis licked his lips and said, "that was a mighty fine impression you got there."

You didn't know what to say, your mouth just dropped as you tried to search for the words. You just settled on a quiet, "thank you."

When there was another pause in the conversation, and Elvis's deep blue eyes bore holes in your head, you finally piped up, "you did just splendid tonight."

He grinned, "you liked the show?"

"Oh, it was just wonderful! I mean truly, I've never seen nothing like it. I'd watch it a thousand times if I could."

Elvis pulled his thick bottom lip in between his teeth, "we're doing another show tomorrow before we leave. You should come."

You brightened at the suggestion, "I'd love to!"

"I'll look for you, miss...?"

"Y/N," you answered. "In all honesty, I doubt you'll remember me. You've got lots of fans Mr Presley."

"Oh, I'll remember you Y/N, I'll remember. Have a nice night, doll," then Elvis smiled, turning and walking away leaving you in a flustered state of ecstasy.

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