Early Mornin Rain - Elvis

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A/N : I'm feeling this sad one. (Also, copy this link to watch an amazing TikTok that used my fic! I'm still is such shock!)

You and your mother had had a complicated relationship. Yes you loved her because she had given you life and you knew she loved you. But it wasn't perfect. There were days where you wouldn't speak, days where you wondered if she even liked you or regretted having you. Both of you said mean things when you were angry.

But regardless of how complicated the relationship was, it didn't change the fact that she was your mother. You loved her. And her death hit you in a way you didn't expect.

You hadn't lost your shit yet, not the way most people do when someone important dies. A few tears fell when you first heard the news, a few more at her funeral, but it was a silent type of tear that slipped down your cheek without a trace. You hadn't sobbed, hadn't gotten angry or upset, you just felt entirely numb with the world. Things didn't seem to matter as much to you.

The night of her funeral, Elvis had tried to comfort you with his words but you didn't want to hear it. Somehow, talking about it only made it more real and this numbness allowed for a fantasy to play in your mind. You could pretend this was some sick prank and she'd call you tomorrow to tell you about her Snow White cross-stitches. The two of you went to bed on edge, and you couldn't sleep.

You stared at the ceiling, at the shape of the moon through the curtains, and even at your husband's sleeping frame. He'd rubbed your arm softly for hours when he thought you were asleep, but he eventually fell asleep himself and his hand fell to the bed.

When the sun came up, you'd had enough of just laying there. You got from the bed, tied your robe around you, and went downstairs to the porch to watch the sun rise properly. The air was fresh and clean from last night, grass covered in a layer of dew. In the distance, the sun was peaking from the horizon. As you watched, rain started to slowly fall from the sky and pitter patter on the roof above. You sat in one of the chairs, listening to uneven patterns of the rain and watching the yellow sun slowly ascend through the sky. It was peaceful.

Almost like a punch to the stomach, a wicked reminder, you thought back to the mornings with your mother. She loved the rain, more than anyone you knew. Sometimes when you were very little and the sun was coming up like this, the rain was pattering, your mother would scoop you up from your bed and lay with you on the porch swing. She'd play with your hair as she softly told you how she loved you, the rain, her plans for the day, anything. You'd be half asleep still, not totally understanding why but knowing that this was a memory. Sometimes you'd fall asleep against her as she spoke and she never stopped.

The last time she did it was when you were 17. A boy had broken up with you, but you hadn't told your parents because you weren't supposed to be dating him in the first place. She just lifted you like a child and carried you outside without saying so much as a word. She didn't judge, didn't comment what she did or didn't know. She just softly sang as you laid your head on her lap, her sweet affirmations overwhelming you. You'd never have that again.

"Baby?" Elvis's groggy voice pulled you away from the memory, and you turned to him with watery eyes. He didn't ask you for anything, he just saw you and sat down next to you.

You broke, covering your mouth with your hand as you let out an ugly, loud sob. Elvis's arms wrapped around you, and you laid your head on his chest as you cried.

"Y-your shirt."

"Don't matter, baby."

That made you cry more, and your body was shaking violently. Hiccups came from your mouth in little spurts, your nose was running and your vision was blurred by tears. Elvis just hugged you and didn't say a word, letting you get all that you needed out. He understood what it was to lose a mother, and the pain seemed just unbearable. Despite himself he shed a few tears, memory of what it was like for him.

You cried with Elvis in the early morning rain, comforting one another with no words.

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