That's Someone You Never Forget - Elvis

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A/N : Request by the ever lovely nelliepresley hope you like it!!

12 weeks :
You couldn't tell if it was great luck or inconvenient luck that made it so you could pinpoint the exact time you got pregnant. Elvis and you did have sex fairly frequently, but ever since he flew down to California to film one of his movies you haven't had the chance. And as you waited for him at the airport, two positive tests sitting in your purse, you knew you had to tell him. But how do you tell him?

You can't just hug him, say you've missed him, then announce that you're pregnant and it's most definitely his. You chewed your bottom lip as you waited, then you saw him. While the doubts still lingered in your mind, the sight of your husband brought smiles to your face. He was your husband after all.

Elvis face blossomed into a wide grin when he saw you. His skin was tan, black hair dark and falling on his forehead, and he wore a loose shirt tucked into black trousers. He looked tired, but he was handsome. Elvis did an awkward little trot to meet you sooner, dropping his bags and immediately kissing you.

"God, baby, I missed you so much." He said in between kisses, kissing your cheeks, your lips, your nose, your forehead, anything.

"Oh me too!" That storm of emotion boiled inside your chest, swirling with each word and each glance.

Then he hugged you, "I got so much to tell you, you would not believe the sun over there. We get mighty hot over in Memphis but you would not believe -"

"I'm pregnant."

You slapped a hand over your mouth. This wasn't how you meant to tell him, in the middle of an airport after a 7 hour flight. But it just slipped out. Your brain was filtering through all the possibilities of how to tell him and what his reaction would be that you didn't think to guard your own mouth.

Elvis continued as though he didn't hear you, "the dryness of it all makes a man -you're pregnant?" There he was. It was a bit of a slow reaction but Elvis's eyes widened and he looked at you, really looked at you, to see if this was some sort of game or façade. It wasn't.

"I'm gonna be a father..." he said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

You were crying, when had you started to cry? You wiped the tear away and nodded, "yes, Elvis. You're going to be a father."

He didn't say another word, he just scooped you in his arms and hugged you tightly. You felt his tears hit your shoulder. But when he pulled away it wasn't fear or anger that made him emotional, Elvis's face portrayed only the purest ecstasy.

20 weeks :
You still weren't showing, not really. There was a slight bump but it just sort of looked like you were bloated. Sometimes you'd stand in front of the mirror and run your hand along your stomach, imagining what it would look like when your child grew.

Elvis had already safe guarded the house and he said it was for your protection since you were the transportation. Every time your stomach growled or you rolled your head in slight pain, Elvis would rush to do whatever little chore you needed. You laughed, you felt as if you were barely pregnant and yet he was acting as though you would give birth next week.

Late one night you went to find Elvis. He said he'd meet you upstairs but he hadn't and you got worried. You found him reading a book on the couch, that line between his brows he gets when he's focusing deep. The sight made you smile a little and you went to sit next to him.

"Oh hey baby," he said, going to close the book and set it to the side.

You went and sat next to him, curling up against his body, "it's late, honey."

"Mm," he said, leaning his head on the back of the couch. "Got distracted. We can go on off to bed."

"What're reading?" You asked, peaking over him to see. Elvis tucked the book away from view but when you held out an expectant hand he gave it to you. A parenting book.

"Elvis? You're reading a parenting book?"

He rubbed your arm softly, taking the book back and tossing it onto the chair, "well... I wanna do right by them."

"You will."

Elvis sighed, "we don't know that."

"I do," you said. "You'll be a wonderful father." He didn't seem convinced and you pressed on, "Elvis, bad fathers don't read books on parenting to become good ones."

"I ain't even a father yet," he grumbled.

"Well if this is a child then I'm a mother, and that makes you a father. Just cause you don't carry them doesn't make you any less their parent."

"It's just, there's so many ways to ruin something. Things go wrong all the damn time, and with this world changing we don't know what type of world they'll grow up in."

You understood his fears, they were your own. But you knew that the only way to succeed was to do this together. His worries gave you a strange sort of confidence, as though this meant only the best for your child. You kissed Elvis and encouraged him, letting him know how highly you think of him and how loved this child is going to be. In the end, the two of you fell asleep on that couch.

30 weeks :
You were definitely showing now and despite yourself your hands were always touching your stomach seeing if you could feel her feet. Of course there was no way of knowing what gender your baby was, but Elvis had been insistent since the first ultrasound that it was girl. As if they could tell in this day and age.

Yet, you found yourself referring to your baby as a girl. Her name would be Lisa Marie, and Vernon if she turned out to be a he. Elvis was absolutely enthralled with the idea of being a father, though the worries still plagued him. He often dreamt of failing Lisa Marie, but you knew that he wouldn't. He couldn't fail her.

The days went by quickly. Your stomach seemed to swell with each breath and Elvis was still hyper focused on getting you each and everything you needed. Even if that meant getting pickled olives at midnight or making grilled peanut butter sandwiches at 2 am. Strange cravings cared for no schedule.

As you were watching television one day, eating your sandwich happily, a program came on talking about how babies listen in the womb. Of course they can't understand, but they can make a connection.

Elvis came home about an hour later and you told him about it, asking if he'll sing to her.

"Sure, baby."

He went to kneel by the couch, face close to your stomach as he started in a deep, soft voice,

"The way she held your hand
The little things you planned
Her memory is with you yet
That's someone you never forget."

You felt a stirring in your stomach but she hadn't moved enough for Elvis, so you urged him to continue. Lisa Marie was having a reaction to his singing.

"When she is far away
You'll think of her each day
And you know she'll wait for you
That's someone you never forget."

You gasped in surprise when Lisa Marie's hand hit your stomach to meet Elvis's hand in a strange sort of high five. He looked at you with a wide smile, keeping his hands on your stomach to feel her some more.

"Keep singing, she likes your voice!"

"Others may pass your way
And let you think their love is true
But you know that they'll never replace
The one that waits for you
The way she held your hand
The little things you planned
Her memory is with you yet
That's someone you never forget
That's someone you never forget."

As Elvis's deep voice filled the room, Lisa seemed to come alive inside of you. She kept reaching for Elvis, her little kicks and high fives sending the two of you off in excitement. Your little baby loved music just as much as her father, and it filled him with a type of joy he couldn't explain. He even cried a little, planting a kiss on your stomach as the song ended.

"You're someone I'll never forget, baby," he murmured to her, and you just knew she heard him. She definitely heard him.

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