You Asked Me To - Elvis

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A/N : Request by lorelaipresley short and sweet

"Melvin, stop pulling on your brother's hair right this instant!" You yelled from the top of the stairs, holding your pregnant belly. It was hard going up and down so often, especially when your children were attacking each other on the floor.

Melvin was the oldest at about 9, and he was practically ripping at Jesse's hair while Marie and Jonathan sat happily in the corner shoveling oranges into their mouths. Melvin looked up at you, his hand still holding Jesse's hair, and glared. You sent back your most venomous, 'don't you even think about it' look. He released his brother with a huff.

You went to the last step and sat on it, "Melvin, come here baby."

He grumbled over, pouting his pink little lips in protest. You pulled him to stand in front of you and held his small hands in yours, fingers gently running over his knuckles.

"Mel, we can't pull on our brothers' hair."

"He was being mean!"

"I'm sure he was but we can't resort to violence, baby." You'd talk to Jesse later about his attitude, because you knew he had one. "Mel, we gotta be the bigger person."

Tears started to well up in his eyes, "how come I gotta be the bigger person? Why are they always small?"

"We can't help living in a world of little people, we gotta choose to do what we can."

He looked down, blinking his dark lashes before looking back up, "you mad at me?"

"No, baby."

He wiped at his little nose and you opened your arms. He fell into the hug with a sigh, crying softly. Then the front door opened and all your children seemed to perk up like dogs.

Elvis stepped in through the front door and the children ran for him.


Melvin clung to his legs, Jesse went to the other side, Marie held her arms up and demanded Elvis lift her which he did, and he threw Jonathan over his shoulder the way he loved.

"Baby!" He laughed, shuffling towards the living room with children attached to him.

"Daddy, daddy, look!" Marie said, pulling out her portrait of her imaginary friend Louis so Elvis could look. He acted very impressed and nodded his head, kissing Marie's forehead.

"I lost a tooth!" Jesse said, pulling his bottom lip down. Elvis messed his hair happily.

"You came home early?" You said, leaning against the archway.

Elvis came up from the couch and kissed your swollen belly, "you asked me to."

Then he bent down and kissed your lips, smiling widely. "I love y'all and I missed y'all," then he turned. "Who wants to play?"

The kids exploded with laughter and ran to join Elvis in a game that involved them tackling him to the floor. You watched as they took their little fists and hit Elvis, him laughing the whole time or kissing their faces while they pulled away.

Later that evening, all five of them had fallen asleep on the couch. An old record was humming softly through the room. Marie had her head on his chest and each of the kids were tucked beneath his arms. You just watched happily, letting the moment sink. This was your life. And you loved it.

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