Santa, Bring My Baby Back to Me - Elvis Pt 1

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A/N : Request by @Queen_Addict4life, first and foremost HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you don't mind I made it Christmasy, it's been my jam lately. 2 parts! Also TW: domestic abuse, I tried my best to be realistic but I know that triggers people, I'm sorry!

It didn't matter that it was December 24th and Christmas songs always talked about snow covering the ground, Tupelo wanted it to be a cool 60 degrees and you'd just have to live with that. You stood there, the ripe age of 5, pulling at the hot and scratchy Christmas dress your mother had pulled out. It was red with a black top and you found yourself sweating as the pastor went on and on about the birth of Jesus. You didn't understand a lick of what he was saying and just wanted to open up your one Christmas Eve present, and maybe get your Mama to open another.

The piano struck a chord and the choir started to hum the notes as some volunteers started to pass out the candles for the singing of Silent Night. It was the part you loved most, and you twirled your itchy skirt round your knees as you waited for your candle to be lit so you could sing.

Your mama passed the light to you and you to your neighbor, and you sang in a loud, completely out of tune voice,

"Silent night,
Holy night,
All is calm,
All is bright..."

You noticed in the corner of your eye a little boy, with blonde hair slicked back and bright blue eyes, staring at his candle whose flame had gone out. He looked sad and his little legs seemed to wiggle to the song, but his mama didn't notice the lack of the candle. You marched over as the song continued,

"Sleep in heavenly peace," with a small smile, you cupped your hand around his candle and shared the flame so he could join in. He smiled a toothy grin and sang the next lyric with you, "Sleep in heavenly peace."

You stood next to him and sang the song, the two of you completely restless despite how calm it was. Once it ended and you blew out your candles, he puckered his pink lips and said the complete silence, "I'm Elvis!"

The congregation chuckled at his declaration, and a slow mumbling of 'hello Elvis' filled the small church. You shyly answered with your name, and dinked his candle before running back to your mother.

She smiled at you with an approving smile, waiting until the service was done to lead you back to Elvis and his mama. She was clutching him tightly with a serious expression, but her face softened when she saw you.

"Hi," you said shyly to Elvis, who waved a little plump hand in reply.

"Merry Christmas," your mother said in a smooth voice, "I don't believe we've had the pleasure to meet y'all."

"I'm Gladys Presley, and this is my son, Elvis."

Elvis smiled, "hi miss!"

"Such a lovely little boy! My daughter, Y/N, must be round the same age as him."

Gladys nodded, "they look it."

After an awkward moment your mama smiled again, "y'all have any plans for the rest of the evening? Y/N and I always decorate the tree before waiting for Santa. If she's good she gets to open one present."

"Mama? What's that?" Elvis interjected, "though you said no trees grow here."

Gladys's face went rosy, "we couldn't get no tree this year."

Your mama waved her hand, "we'll share one, then. Glenn will be home by the time we get there, he won't mind letting Elvis help decorate. You like baking, Mrs Presley? I make a mean cookie."

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