Good Rockin' Tonight - Elvis

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A/N: yes this is New Girl inspired. I truly only watch that show for Nick/Jess

"Just kiss me!" You shouted, crossing your arms over your chest.

Elvis - the Elvis Presley - was on his knees, trying to pry open the door that kept the two of you soundly locked behind until you did the foretold command by all friends present, kiss.

From behind the door you could hear all your friends chanting that you kiss, lip on lip action as Jerry described it. A silly stupid game had demanded this and you'd been willing to pay the small sum to continue getting wasted. But Elvis didn't see it that way and was still trying to pry open a door that didn't seem to have any inclination to move. It had been 10 minutes of Elvis refusing and the annoyance you'd initially felt was going into humiliation territory.

"Y/N, I'm ain't gonna kiss you."

"Why?" You bit back angrily, chest heaving with anger.

"What do you mean why?"

"Oh come on Presley you know damn well what I mean!"

"Kiss me!"

"I can't!"

"It's not that hard, mouth to mouth -"

"What? You want me to grab you, to just kiss ya?"

"That's exactly what I want!"


"You have lips, use them!"

"Not like this!" He finally shouted and your words faded to the back of your mind. "When I kiss ya it ain't gonna be like this."

Your brain only seemed to register about half of what he said and you blurted out, "Am I unattractive to you?"

"That's not what I meant -"

"Friends kiss all the time Elvis, it's not that big of a deal. Have you seen Jennifer Aniston and David Sch-"

Suddenly he was close to you, warm large hands grabbed your arms and holding you tightly. He was so strong, it was intoxicating. His touch was searing and you felt as though if he let go there'd be two Elvis shaped handprints on your skin. You could feel his breath hit your face, plush pink lips so close to yours. You were too scared to reach for him but your lips parted all the same, watching for his touch. But your breathing was deep and angry, and suddenly the lack of clothes became even more present. The realization that all you were wearing was nothing but a frilly skirt and a bra made you shudder. You were exposed, even if you really weren't. But Elvis's eyes seemed to see all of you and you couldn't look away. Your breasts seemed to be determined to spill from your bra, your torso close against the length of Elvis's torso. He looked at you with his hooded blue eyes, and you thought for a moment he was going to actually kiss you.

"You are so annoying," he said, his voice gravelly.

Your eyes went to flutter shut, taking the dig as a Mr Darcy type of flirt. But then, he let you go with a huff and kicked the door. Only then did it fall until his touch, slamming against the group and shocking your friends who stood collected behind it. Elvis stormed off and into his room, where the slam resonated throughout the apartment.

You stepped out and stared at the door, lying on the floor with a splinter piece sticking up. A murdered piece of furniture.

Priscilla, Jerry, and Steve all stared at the door and then at you. It was only Jerry who broke the silence with a laugh, "damn. He kicked the door down to get out of kissing you. It's gotta hurt."

"Yeah he did..." you said numbly. Humiliated.

"You got swamp breath or something?" Steve asked bluntly. Priscilla was quick to smack him in the chest and give him the most intense glare she could manage. She was small but she was mighty, and Steve shut up.

"He's just crazy," she said, looping an arm through yours and leading you away from the boys.

The night seemed to go on for eternity. Elvis holed up in his room, you pouting on the couch with Priscilla while Jerry and Steve proceeded to do... whatever it is that Jerry and Steve do. At one point Steve lost his shirt and Priscilla ran to stop him from burning himself with a spatula (it's a complicated story.)

Everyone went to bed around 2 am, and you hoisted yourself off the couch to walk Priscilla out. She kissed both your cheeks and gave you a tight hug, saying Elvis didn't have a clue on what he was missing. Give him some space, she said. He probably didn't mean it. You hadn't even mentioned the whole 'not like this' and 'when I kiss you.' That just seemed like a whole lot of nonsense to lessen the blow of not wanting to kiss you. He just wasn't into you. You'd have to take the lesson from Ginnifer Goodwin herself.

You nodded and agreed with her verbally, all the while wanting to melt within yourself. If you never saw Elvis again you'd be okay with that. Better than the realization he finds you so utterly repulsive.

The door closed and you pressed your head against the cool wood for a moment. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi... you let yourself get up to 10 before peeling off of it, preparing to go to bed. But when you turned, there was Elvis.

He looked a mess, somehow ruining all that hard work from earlier in the span of a few hours. His black hair was curled and standing upright, his pajama bottoms hung low on his lean hips, and his grey shirt tight across his broad shoulders. His blue eyes seemed to shine in the night as you looked right at you, into your soul.

"Hey doll."

"Elvis," you responded curtly.

He smiled that lopsided smile, "you alright?"

Oh you wanted to yell, to curse at him for being so humiliating. But you didn't. You just nodded and began to walk towards your room.

"Doll, c'mere." He raised two fingers and beckoned you to him. Begrudgingly you approached him. "I'm sorry I hurt ya tonight."

"It's okay," you croaked. You watched him intently, scanning his eyes for some sort of sign that something was out of order. But he seemed so calm, normal. "Good night, Presley."

"Night, L/N."

You turned away from him, going towards your room. But that warm, large hand from earlier grabbed your upper arm and spun you into his touch. Then his lips were on yours, burning and passionate and intense. Strong, just like the rest of him.

His hands couldn't seem to get enough of your body, of you, as they skirted down to your hips, your ass, your waist, clinging the back of your head like an anchor. You threw your arms round his head and fed into the fiery flames. You felt positively transported, lifted higher and higher until your head spun but his touch. It was so intense. You'd never had this intensity before and you craved each touch of it more and more. 

You don't remember his strong arms lifting you but you do remember him gently placing your feet back on the ground, such a contrast to the intensity on your mouth. Elvis broke apart, broad chest taking deep breaths before he came down for a softer, but still intense, kiss. It left you earning for more as he finally parted. Arms still around you.

"I meant something like that."

Then the strong arms fell from around you, his long legs took steps back as he smiled softly. Then his bedroom door closed and you were alone with the feeling of your now perfectly, wonderfully, swollen lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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