You Don't Know Me - Elvis

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A/N: A part of my Elvis Week fics! This is inspired by Jailhouse Rock but my own thing :)

A car horn honked loudly when you cut them off to get into the studio's parking lot. You normally didn't drive so recklessly, and you felt a little bad cutting them off like that, but you were late to what was an incredibly important meeting. Any second spent away was a second that could cost you the job. You turned into the parking lot, and the car that you cut off followed you in.

You parked your car then ran across to go inside. The same car honked at you when you darted right in their way, almost getting hit, but you didn't have the energy for this right now. The man inside was handsome and young, with a charming face and black hair. You flashed him the middle finger before running inside to meet the boss. You didn't even remember his name, you just knew your agent was going to chew you out for not being there sooner.

After what felt like ages, the elevator finally opened to the floor you needed and you sped walked to the door. Taking a deep breath to collect yourself, you knocked on the door.

"Come in," a gruff voice said. The boss and your agent, Mickey, were sitting in leather chair. Mickey gave you a tight smile, signaling how unhappy he was with you.

You opened the door, plastering on a fake smile, "Hello, I'm so sorry I'm late."

"Oh it's no problem, your costar isn't here either."

"Oh? He isn't-"

"So sorry, sir." A deep voice came from beside you in the doorway and you glanced up in horror to see that it was the same man you not only cut off, but flipped off, in the parking lot. He glanced down at you and the corner of his mouth quirked up a little, "traffic."

The old man, whose name you still didn't know, stood from his chair. He offered his hand to you first, and you introduced yourself. Then he offered it to the man, who said he was Elvis Presley. He cleared his throat and said he was Christopher Thompson. Thank God for the clarification because you couldn't seem to remember a thing.

"I'm so glad the two of you are here," he said, guiding you inside and shutting the door. "Please, take a seat."

Christopher walked around to the other side of the desk as you sat next to Mickey, Elvis taking the seat to your right. He kept shooting you these playful looks, trying to get some sort of rise about earlier. You tried to convey to him that now was really not the time.

"So, as the two of you know, you will be playing love interests in this movie," Christopher stated. "I know we haven't sent the direct script out, and the table read is Friday, but I wanted to have my two leads come down and chat about publicity."

You nodded, listening to him speak. It still seemed wild to you that you were going to be a lead in a movie. What a world you were living in.

"Your names have already been given to the press, and I'd really like to hammer the idea of love and romance. So, within the next few days I'd like you to go on dates. Anything really where you can be seen," Christopher waved his hand. "Don't gotta be extravagant. Now Wednesday, we need you to be back here for the poster shoot. Mickey'll send you the details. But any other day, just find something that'll be seen. Dress well."

You nodded along to what he was saying, but the whole idea seemed completely ridiculous. When you glanced to look at Elvis, and he sent you a sly smirk, you couldn't imagine spending a full day alone with him - much less film a movie as romantic interests. But you smiled and said you'd do it because you needed the money, and any foot in the door was something in the long run. Christopher asked if the two of you would be willing to pose for a photo in the office, just to celebrate the signing.

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