Harbor Lights - Elvis

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A/N : angst

The whole Presley family, including you, stayed at the motel near where Elvis was going to leave. The Atlantic Ocean lapped against the rocks nearby, and you were turning in your bed as you thought about the day to come. Elvis was leaving for the army, he was actually leaving. The thought seemed unbearable and you couldn't seem to keep your eyes closed for more than a few minutes.

You heard a door nearby open and the sound of footsteps down the hall. Despite your best efforts to ignore it, you sat up in bed. From your window, you saw the figure of a man in a casual shirt and pajama bottoms walk out onto the dock. The water splashed against the wooden poles, and he leaned against it. You knew that figure, you knew it better than anyone. You got up and tied a robe around yourself, padding out to meet him.

As you approached, your feet making the boards creak and groan against the quiet of the night, you heard a deep voice sing out. It was 'Harbor Lights' in a much more mellow, sad tone.

"I saw the harbor lights
They only told me we were parting
Those same old harbor lights
That once brought you to me."

You got to the side of Elvis, your arm brushing his as you leaned against the railing. He didn't make a comment, he just continued in that soft, quiet voice.

"I watched the harbor lights
How could I help it?
Tears were starting.
Good-bye to golden nights
Beside the silvery seas."

You leaned your head on his shoulder, reaching to hold his hand. His fingers clutched your tightly, thumb running along your knuckles.

"I long to hold you dear,
And kiss you just once more.
But you were on the ship,
And I was on the shore."

Elvis stepped back and wrapped his arms around you. He was all warm and smelled of home. You leaned into him, feeling his chest rumble as he sang the last verse.

"Now I know lonely nights
For all the while my heart keeps praying
That someday harbor lights
Will bring you back to me."

You turned in his arms. Elvis had his face screwed tightly with emotion, his tears shiny in the moonlight. You kissed his lips eagerly, wiping away his tears.

"I love you," you said at last, your voice thick.

"I love you," he answered.

You laid your head on his chest, hugging him tightly as he started to cry softly. "It will be okay."

He didn't believe you. But he hugged you, kissed your forehead, and hummed until he was ready to face the future.

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