Author's Note - Updated

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Hi there, this is Josephine. I understand most of you won't read this, and I promise it's nothing drastic. I thought it might be best to explain some things to you and a chapter is better than a post on my page.

First and foremost, the oneshots are NOT closed/over. I absolutely plan to keep writing them, however, my life is absolute chaos right now.

I don't think I've said it explicitly but for those who don't know, I am an acting/theatre student right now. (Fun we love to see it) For a final, I am currently directing a play that I wrote. It's amazing and I am in love with directing and theatre more than ever. But that does mean lots of my time goes to that. Whether it's actual rehearsals or planning or emailing, I've got to schedule things, think through my thoughts and decisions, plan costumes, lights, sound, props then communicate that all to various people on different days all while cooperating with my other directors (it's complicated to explain) and keeping on top of my regular classes.

In addition to school stress, I've had some at home struggles. One of which is wisdom teeth removal and holy hell is recovery not what I expected it to be. The other is more personal issues with my household and workplace.

I love writing Fanfiction and I adore Elvis, always have always will. But after years of consuming and creating content, there also comes to a point where I feel I've exhausted every avenue. For instance, I love love LOVE Elvis friends to lovers. But I think at least 1/3 of what I've written has been some variation of friends to lovers and I don't know what other spin I could take for my readers. I don't want to write the exact same thing over and over again, and I doubt you'd want to read the same thing over and over again. (However, I will acknowledge reading as a fan is a lot different than writing as a fan because consuming content is no joke!) It's such a strange experience to come together as fans of one thing and develop fans for your content. The amount of you who have supported me and my work, and complimented me the way you have, is breathtaking. Even if it was just one person I'd cry. Truly, the readers are part of my inspiration and I cannot thank you enough for liking my silly little one shot book. Call me dramatic, but those comments have helped me during hard times.

Another thing... Wattpad only allows 200 chapters per book. I'm really hesitant to just create a new one once I reach the limit because I like to keep them in one place, and I don't want to confuse people who still read and request. That's something for me to ponder but I thought I'd share it. And I know I'm wasting one on an update but I thought it necessary.

For those who have made requests, I am working on them and I appreciate your patience so much. They are great ideas and I can't wait to create them, just please understand where I come from. While no one has done this, I also feel the need to say that I don't owe those people anything. If I have not gotten it out soon enough, while I am sorry, I am providing a free service out of the kindness of my heart and badgering me will not get you anything. Elvis would not support fans hurting one another over our love of him.

Okay, I think I covered everything. For those who read it all, you sweet angels I appreciate you. I'm simply telling you all this so you understand that I'm not giving up!!

UPDATE : 3/17/2023

Hi guys!! This is a current thing I'm just adding to this update for y'all that I thought I'd introduce. I'm going to add a money-making feature!

But, it's not going to be everything you read or anything, just for requests. I've decided that for every request from here on out (except the ones made prior this update) I will charge $3. The longer the one shot, the more I'll charge, but I promise nothing ridiculous.

Sorry if this upsets you, but I've added a lot to this fandom and figured making a few bucks isn't a bad idea!! But it won't be taking away my work because that would be unfair. Thank you!

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