I Want You, I Need You, I Love You Pt 3 (NSFW)

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A/N : I just watched Blue Hawaii and having a beach date was so tempting. Sorry this took a while! 3rd part of I Want You, I Need You, I Love You

I Love You

"Elvis, where are we going?" You laughed, going to pull down the blindfold he made you wear. Elvis smacked your hand away, taking both of your hands in his so you couldn't reach again.

"Patience, Y/N, patience. We're almost there."

The ground beneath your feet was softer than the pavement so you held onto Elvis a little tighter. You could smell the fresh evening air surround you and you could hear the sounds of nature. Cars were speeding by but it seemed far away. The sun was hitting your face and you felt Elvis's touch on your arms and lower back as he guided you down a slight slope. Then he stopped, coming behind you and taking off the blindfold.

You gasped. The whole city of Memphis was positively glowing in the orange hue of the sunset. There was a blanket laid out on the grass with a basket overflowing with cheeses and wine and bread. It was a positively romantic spot above the city. You turned and hugged Elvis tightly.

"Elvis! This is amazing!"

"Oh I'm glad you think so," he said, guiding you to sit on the blanket. "It's a quaint little spot."

"It's gorgeous."

You both sat down on the blanket, and you stared at the city come to life under the setting sun. Elvis handed you a glass of wine but you couldn't seem to tear your eyes away. In the distance you could see the shape of carnival as it played its games. Your first date with Elvis was at the carnival, but that felt like ages ago.

"This is so romantic," you comment, finally turning to look at him.

Elvis was leaning back on his elbows, dressed impeccably in a pink lace shirt and black pants. His blue eyes never left yours and the corner of his mouth seemed permanently quirked up. He drank some wine. "It is, innit?"

You looked at him. There was no reason to look at him, you just did it for the sake of doing it. He was beautiful, and he was yours. This place, this picnic, this park, all the memories that you and Elvis had built. It was overwhelming. You realized as you took another sip that there was something more to this. Holy shit, there was something else. Maybe it was the liquid courage of the wine, maybe it was the warm evening, or maybe it was the way that his blue eyes penetrated yours that prompted you to blurt out what you were thinking.

"I love you."

You immediately slapped a hand over your mouth, not knowing if that was something you should have said. His eyebrows shot up in surprise and his mouth fell open.

"I'm so sorry, I, I don't know what came over me I just -" you started blabbering, but cut yourself off when you saw Elvis pull his bottom lip in between his teeth. God, it was sexy when he did that.

"You love me?"

You nodded meekly, not wanting to draw out what felt like a humiliating experience.

"Well goddamn, Y/N, I wasn't expectin it to go like this."


"Well I wanted to tell ya I love ya first."

Now it was your turn to look gobsmacked. You stared at Elvis with an open mouth, completely surprised by what he was saying. He loves you. Just as much as you love him.

He grinned, leaving over to kiss you sweetly. His calloused hand held the back of your neck as his tongue slipped into your mouth. The taste of the wine seemed to intensify at his kiss. Elvis parted to look at you. The sun cast an orange glow on his blue eyes as they searched your face for something. They seemed to find it, because he went in for another kiss - this time more intense than the previous one.

You scooted to be closer to him, and Elvis lifted you to sit on his lap with your knees on either side of his hips. His tongue slipped along your bottom lip before going inside your mouth, exploring it with an avid curiosity. The lace against your fingers scratched just slightly and it felt amazing. You ran your hand down his chest, feeling suddenly dangerous. Elvis let out a gasp of surprise when you pulled the shirt from his tucked pants, but he didn't stop you as you unbuttoned it. You drank in his sounds like they were the same intoxicating wine from earlier. Orange hues hit his tanned chest and made him look like a statue of masculinity. You ground your hips at the sight, surprised when your crotch rubbed against his. Elvis's grip on your hips tightened.

"Oh doll," he murmured, his breath hitting your cheek. "God Baby I want you."

"Elvis I need you."

"I love you."

You kissed him with all the passion you could muster, holding onto his shoulders tightly. His hands came up under your skirt to pull down your panties. Under the setting sun you scrambled to undo his belt and pull his cock out. Neither of you had fully stripped because you were so eager to just be together. His penis prodded at your entrance. You pulled your lip in between your teeth as you lowered yourself to the hilt, embracing the feeling of being full.

Experimentally, you ran your hips back and forth, moaning at the feeling of your clit against the base of his cock. You began to move, holding onto his shoulders to stabilize you as you rode his cock. Elvis spewed out different praises, his accent becoming thicker throughout the whole time.

He snuck a hand behind you and pulled on your hair slightly, making your throw your head back. It felt delicious and picked up the pace.

"God Baby.. I ain't gonna last much longer..." he moaned, snaking his hand down to rub on your clit.

You screamed into the air as the rush of pleasure coursed through your body like a flood. Stars began to cover your vision and a warmth spread all the way up from your toes to your head. It was pure ecstasy. All you could envision was Elvis, all you felt was Elvis, he was all consuming in the best possible way.

He followed you after, coming inside of you with your name on his lips. Elvis pulled out and the two of you laid on the ground, staring up at the sky.

He happily hummed as he pulled you into his arms, kissing the side of your face. "Ya know, I oughta write a song about this."

"That so?"

"Yes ma'am."

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