The Meanest Girl In Town - Elvis

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A/N : request by @1-800-KISS. I hope you like it, I know it's a little different so I'm sorry!

"We don't let no girls perform here," the man said, a cigarette laying limply between his lips. He gave you a look of pure disdain, and you fought the urge to spit in his face. You'd come into Club Handy with your guitar in hand, dressed in a leather jacket and tight black pants. Everyone in the club was staring at the man who was currently blocking your entrance, and you in your unusual outfit. You straightened.

"I don't see why not."

"We don't let none of your kind perform," he repeated, enunciating harshly like you hadn't caught it earlier. You ground your teeth.

A big black woman who had been listening from the bar sauntered over in a gold dress, "now, now, Pauly, I don't see why this girl can't perform."

"Sister, c'mon," Pauly said, gesturing to you.

"Ain't nobody gonna get hated on for their looks. We deal with that shit enough. Come on in baby," the woman said, creating space for you to carry your guitar in. Pauly grumbled away, throwing his cigarette in the trash.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet, they don't like it they'll throw you right out." She smiled warmly despite her warning words, "I'm Rosetta Thorne but everyone here calls me Sister."

"Y/N," you answer, offering your hand which she shakes politely.

"Now, you go show Pauly he's wrong or I'd wager he'll kick you out himself," Sister said, sauntering over to the bar to retrieve her drink.

You went to the small stage where a variety of instruments were and found a space that was free. The guitar suddenly felt heavy in your hands but you adjusted anyway, running your fingers experimentally on the strings. You took a deep breath, watched as every eye turned to you, then you struck the first chord.

The music you liked was definitely a little different to the modern era, but you had hoped this crowd would be a little more accustomed to the strange. They were shamed for what you felt was basic gospel, much less this rock n roll you enjoyed. But they didn't hate on you, some people even started to crowd around the stage and dance to what you were doing. It was loud and violent and completely unique. That's why you loved it. The music took control of you and you shook your body along with it, throwing your head back with the beat. It was the best form of adrenaline.

When you finished you were completely out of breath and stared into the dark club. A few people clapped, most everyone gave you some sort of surprised expression, but Pauly wasn't marching over to throw you out so you considered it a success. You hopped off the stage and went to the bar, needing liquid after that performance.

Sister Rosetta was still at the bar, sipping on her drink. She eyed you up and down when you stood next to her. You threw on a shit eating grin and asked, "you like?"

"You're somethin girl," Sister Rosetta said, chuckling softly.

A black man came to your other side, leaning on the bar and staring at you. "I ain't ever seen nothin like it."

You looked back at him, "that good huh?"

"I'm BB King."


BB offered you a cigarette and you accepted, going to sit on the fire escape with him. The air was colder than it usually was on Beale Street, but you didn't mind as it blew through your hair. You threw your head back, letting out puffs of your cigarette into the night sky and watching it float away. You got to know BB King, and you got to know Sister Rosetta. The three of you spoke throughout the night and you didn't notice the sun had risen until it peaked through the windows. Your body hurt.

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