Fame and Fortune - Elvis

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A/N : Request by @kfear89 another trouble scene! Sorry it's got a kind of ambiguous ending but I suck at endings lol

There were lots of stupid things you were afraid of. You were afraid of putting things in the oven because what if you fell inside? You were afraid of accidentally choking on your toothbrush if you brushed too far. You were afraid that you'd meet your dream celebrity after a horrible haircut. Those were all stupid fears that you could factually tell yourself weren't fair to have. But tonight you were scared and you couldn't explain why.

This untapped electricity floated through the air, tempting you and everyone else at the baseball stadium with the promise of danger. You couldn't explain why it made you shudder. There wasn't even a tangible word for what it was that was making you shudder. Maybe it was the night sky that seemed oppressive even on the brightly lit stadium. Maybe it was the dancers who were just slightly off tempo to the band. But that electricity ran high, making you hold your breath each time someone touched something made of metal.

Tonight was going to be a uniquely individual experience. You'd seen Elvis perform a few times throughout your relationship, but never to a crowd of this extent. You were excited to watch your partner charm a crowd, to see what fans see when he grabs a hold of that silver microphone. He seemed frustrated in the car ride over, especially when instructed to not so much as wiggle a finger.

After he went on stage, you followed Colonel Tom Parker towards a more private viewing area apart from the stage. Gladys and Vernon sat on the edge of their seats, Gladys already with a miserable frown on her face from the way the women were speaking of him a few rows down. You tried to not giggle. They weren't wrong when they said he was handsome, but that wasn't something Gladys wanted to hear in that context.

You watched with wide eyes as Elvis got up on stage and cleared his throat into the mic, an action that already excited the crowd. In a black on black suit tailored to his exact body, Elvis looked like sex on a stick. You suddenly understood why Eve would dare to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. He began to speak in that deep, Southern voice of his to the audience. He spoke about the new Elvis. The new expectations. You could see his body tense as he joked about the restrictions by wiggling his pinky.

You and him made eye contact from your little spot. You smiled, taking a sigh of happiness. His body change when he looked at you, his shoulders relaxed and he held his head higher. He gave a coy smile into the mic, one corner of his mouth curved up in that little smolder he refuses to say he actually does.

"You gotta listen to the people you love, but in the end, you gotta listen to yourself!"

Placing his guitar to the side, Elvis's body began to melt to the music. That same electricity you felt earlier started up again, sending shivers up and down the length of your arms. Gladys touched your forearm when she saw the goose flesh arise, but you were too entranced by Elvis to care all that much. The opening chords of the song were loud and domineering, commanding the attention of the entire audience in a few notes. Elvis's whole demeanor had completely changed. The evidence of a rockstar now clear on his perfect features.

"If you're looking for trouble,
You came to the right place.
If you're looking for trouble,
Just look right in my face.
I was born standing up,
And talking back.
My daddy was a green eyed mountain Jack
Because I'm evil,
My middle name is misery.
Well I'm evil,
So don't you mess around with me."

His eyes scoured the crowd, and his seductive grin deepened when he saw you again. He gave you a little wink and ground his hips to the music in that way that drove the audience completely wild. Elvis Presley became even more a star in that moment than he already was. His body completely moved with the music, and he spat the lyrics as though they meant everything to him. They did - they were his rebellion.

You didn't know much, Elvis always said he didn't want to burden you with work issues. But if you had to guess what this rebellion was about, you'd guess it would be related to the little man beside you, grinding his teeth and stomping his cane. Colonel Tom Parker. Elvis was becoming all that Elvis Presley stood for, and Tom Parker hated it. The old man at your side cursed Elvis and how he didn't listen to him, and you just jutted your chin up in approval.

"I've never looked for trouble
But I've never ran.
I don't take no orders
From no kind of man.
I'm only made out
Of flesh, blood and bone.
But if you're gonna start a rumble
Don't you try it on alone.
Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery
Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me."

The music sped up and Elvis's legs twisted to the music. His torso jerking with each beat. Despite being his actual girlfriend and theoretically getting to be near him all the time, you fought the urge to squeal in your seat like this was a once in a lifetime experience.

"I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be
I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be!"

"He didn't listen to me! How could he!" Parker spat.

"Woo! Go Elvis!" You screamed, clapping your hands excitedly just to spite the cranky old man. When Parker gave you a wary glance you just laughed awkwardly, shrugging your shoulders and saying, "sorry. Got a little carried away."

You weren't sorry, not in the slightest. But you didn't want to cause any more riffs in the relationship. In a flash, the police got onto the stage and had to drag Elvis from his microphone. He fought against their grip but ultimately let himself be dragged towards the police car. You ran to him, caught up by the mob of teenagers desperate to feel Elvis Presley.

The people were completely overwhelming. You tried to make your way through them, tried to get to Elvis, but every step you took forward the crowd would drag you back. Arms smacking your face, wrapping around you and pushing you against others. Feet stamped all over your feet, heads banged against yours, and every way you turned there was another human right up against you. Feelings of claustrophobia started to rise up in your chest, making you want to cry but you pushed it down. You needed to see Elvis, you needed to make sure he was alright.

As you pushed towards one of the police cars where the mob was most prevalent, your foot caught onto one of the people. Nobody was able to break you fall and you fell to the floor with a thud. As you went to get up, a man stepped on your skirt and wouldn't get off. When you wrenched it free, someone else stepped on your hand and then another on your skirt. You started desperately pulling at your clothes and your body but the crowd became overwhelming.

"Back off, my girl!" A hoarse voice yelled into the crowd. A strong pair of arms went under your armpits and pulled you from the floor. Your back was now covered in dirt and grass stains, but when you turned to see Elvis you almost cried from joy.

You threw your arms around his neck to hug him but he brought his hands to your face, searching for any sign of injury. You definitely felt a little bruised and overstimulated but it didn't matter, he was right here and that was all that mattered.

Elvis's whole face fell in what seemed to be a sigh of relief when he realized you weren't injured and pulled you in for searing kiss. You gasped at his touch but as soon as he set you on fire, he was ripped away by the cops grasping his arms.

"Get in the car! The car, Y/N!" He yelled as he was being pulled away.

An officer beside you was holding the door to the police car open and you went inside. Only then did Elvis seem to relax a little, knowing you were safe.

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