My Happiness - Austin Butler (NSFW)

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A/N: Request by @Jaydog_20

"Hey Aus..." you said one evening as the two of you read your respective books. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," he answered, taking his eyes off his book and looking to you. His gaze was blue, deep, and entirely consuming. You looked to your own book to stop from losing your train of thought.

"It's just.. well, I know it's stupid and it's not like, a question I guess. It's just, well I'm just so surprised this all worked out."

Austin smiled, his pink lips curling up, "yeah."

"Just like, you're so amazing and I've liked you for so long and I'm just so surprised that you love me as much as I love you."

He smiled for a second, then frowned, "what do you mean by that?"

"I'm just surprised."

"Y/N," Austin said a little slowly, like he was sounding the words out. "Do you not think that I was bound to love you?"

"What?" You laughed awkwardly to deflect from where he was headed.

Austin set his book down and rose from his spot on the couch before falling to his knees before you. He ran a hand on your thigh, gently. His voice was deep and sensual as he said, "because I hope you know how in love I am."

"I know..."

"Do you?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Sure I do, I love you too."

"Can I show you how much I love you?"

You tried to ignore all of the wicked feelings that stormed inside your chest, feelings of worry and inadequacy. So you just nodded and let Austin reach up to kiss you. His lips were soft, warm, and felt comforting. You sighed against his touch. His hands ran along the hem of your top, silently asking for permission. You helped him remove it, breaking the kiss, and your breasts fell free. Almost instinctively, his tongue licked along his bottom lip at the sight of your nipples hardened under the cool air. Goose flesh ran along your skin, but it wasn't from the cold. It was from the way his eyes drank you in, dark and intense beneath his black lashes. It was only then you noticed the hard lump in his jeans against one of your thighs. He was turned on. By you. The idea still seemed surreal.

"May I?" Austin asked, forcing himself to look into your eyes instead of at your body. Though the hands on your legs tightened every so slightly when you took a deep breath, breasts shaking with the movement.

"What?" You asked a little breathlessly, the moment rendering you a little confused.

"May I touch you, Y/N?"

You smiled, looking down for a second. You couldn't stop the flush that went over you as you whispered, "please."

Austin spread your legs a little more so he could kneel between them, reaching up so his lips could pepper hot kisses along your jaw. He went down your neck until he found a spot between the base of your neck and your collarbone that made you audibly moan. You jumped at the sound, not expecting such a reaction but you hadn't anticipated how good it would feel.

Austin went slowly, each touch thorough, tongue licking and teeth nipping gently at your skin as he traveled down to the valley between your breasts. He took a deep breath, his nose smashed against your sternum and eyes closed to ecstasy. His hands traveled up from your hips, tickling your waist slightly, to hold your ribs next to your breasts. His thumbs rubbed the underside of them as his mouth came to plant wet kiss on your skin. Then he took one of your nipples in his mouth, his hot tongue circling your areola.

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